Sunday, May 16, 2010

The College of...Chicken?

While eating chicken last night, Mady decided to start discussing college. The conversation went something like this:

Mady: Mommy, I don't want to go to college.

Me: Why not?

Mady: I don't want to move away from you, because I love you.

(I told my husband to grab the video camera because I know it won't be long before she is ready to move out)

Mady: Well, I guess I can go to college. Do I have to go where you went to college?

Me: No, you can go wherever you want.

Mady: Does your college have chicken?

Me: Yes, they had chicken where I went to college.

Mady: Then I'll go to your college. Because they have chicken. I love chicken.

Friday, May 14, 2010


We were driving to the lake when we saw a truck with one of THOSE things (the male parts I think should be against the law to hang from your vehicle...but that's just my opinion) hanging from the trailer hitch.

Que Mady:

"HEY, Did that car poop? There's something red hanging from it!"

Size Matters

Daddy, let me just tell you...Airplanes are bigger than you think.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How Profound

So, I'm sure you have noticed the "anti-smoking" billboards all over the highways. One features a family with the mother's face burned out of the picture and it says something along the lines of, second hand smoke kills however many people a year. The one of the crib with the baby burned out referencing second hand smoke and SIDS made me cry the first time I saw it.

Mady just doesn't get it. Every time we pass the billboard of the family, she asks why the mom's face is burned out. So, no more sugar coating.

The last time she asked, Matt told her, "Smoking kills people." She was confused to say the least.

Mady: "So, if smoking kills people why are they allowed to make cigarettes?"

How Profound.