Saturday, February 28, 2015

Thankful: Day 60

Today was a snow day!

We didn't go anywhere or do anything.

First, I slept until 9:15. And IT WAS AMAZING!

Then, I woke to the smell of breakfast...which Matt cooked. (Ya'll he also did dishes!)

We played Wii golf, Wii bowling, watched Old Yeller and The Black Cauldron (wish I could have that hour and a half back of my life) ate plenty of food and never changed out of our PJ's.

I could use more days like today for sure!

Thankful: Day 59

My sister had a little scare yesterday.

Her non stress test didn't show enough movement on one of the babies so they admitted her to a room and kept her for blood work and observations.

Thankfully, she and both babies are fine, so they get to cook a little bit longer.

I went by her house today to help her out. I'm not sure how much helping I actually did, but I brought lunch and helped with cutting tags off of clothes and starting laundry.

As much as I know those babies need more time to develop and gain weight, I sure am ready to meet them!

Thankful: Day 58

Today was rough, not gonna lie.

I made another 70 on a quiz.

So, I came home and took a nap.

Naps make me happy.

I am definitely thankful for naps.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Thankful: Day 57

Just like last Wednesday, I had a pharmacology exam today.

Completely the opposite of last Wednesday, I was prepared. 

Last week, I guessed on 29 out of 60 questions. 

This week, I was confident of the answer to the first 29 questions!

It's amazing what a little bit of preparation will do...but I also didn't have 4 exams this week.

Last night's dinner debacle didn't mess me up at all...and as a side note, it was requested that that meal be added to the regular menu. Success despite the meltdown, I'll take it!


Thankful: Day 56

I had myself a little meltdown tonight.

I'm not proud of those moments, but I try to be real...and the truth is, I didn't handle tonight well at all.

After a long day at school, I thought I would try a new recipe. Don't ask me why I thought that would be a good idea, especially when I knew I had a huge exam to study for. It just sounded good, and I thought that even with an extended cooking time, it would be fine because the prep would be easy and while it was in the oven I could study.

Not so much.

I overlooked the fact that the meal had to be covered in foil and I had just used the last of my aluminum foil over the weekend.

Thankfully, my wonderful husband ran to the grocery store for foil and also picked up the one ingredient I am missing for tomorrow's dinner.

I've been thankful for him before, but he deserves another shout out tonight.

I know I am difficult to live with right now. I know that I spend way more time in front of my computer studying than doing anything else. I know he deserves to be treated better than I am currently treating him.

But he still loves me, and he helps me and for that I am so very very thankful.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Thankful: Day 55

I used a scaler on a real live patient for the very first time today!

I can hardly believe it myself, really!

My patient is so good natured and such a joy to work on.

I am so thankful for my patients, actually. It takes a special person to subject themselves and their teeth to students who are still learning.

My patient today drove in the snow to help me awesome is that?!

Also, I just found out that my school has delayed the starting time until 9:30 in the morning. I don't know exactly what that means for the College of Dentistry...but I'll take it!

Thankful: Day 54

It is FREEZING out there!

I'm one of those annoying people who complain about the weather most of the year.

I do NOT like the cold and I DESPISE the absurd heat.

I need to move someplace where the weather is a consistent 85 degrees all year long. That is my paradise!

Mady stayed the night with her Grandma last night so we were sans a child this morning for church. I had an amazing time volunteering in the nursery this morning with Ms. Tammie. I even said the memory verse and got a little lotion for a prize. :)

Matt and I were able to knock out our Sam's trip for the month, hit the grocery store for some staples and lastly run into TJMaxx for some last minute baby outfits because I (oddly) had more for baby boy than baby girl and that had to be remedied ASAP.

While it wasn't the most relaxing Sunday ever, we got a lot accomplished before starting a new week and possibly braving a snow storm.

Thankful: Day 53

My heart is heavy for a dear friend whose husband passed away this week. The celebration of her husband's life was today.

Sande has been such an amazing encouragement to me over the last several months. She went back to school with kids and completely understands the demands on my time, patience, and heart.

Just a few weeks ago (maybe it was a month ago?) we sat at a table with Sande and Jimmy at the new kids' pastor meet and greet at the church. We talked, laughed, ate pizza, and had such a fantastic time visiting. Now, my heart is breaking for her.

I hope and pray that the Lord can use me to encourage her as He has used her to encourage me. For now, my thoughts and prayers are with Sande, Jimmy and Aimee as they begin this new journey.

Thankful: Day 52

I can't believe it has been a whole year since I had my interview for dental hygiene school!

It seems surreal that an entire year has passed since I battled some of the worst anxiety I have ever faced in my life.

I was able to help with this year's dental hygiene interviews today and it was such a fun experience. I followed along with the interviewees on a tour of our facility and enjoyed candid conversation with them as they were waiting to be called back.

I remember so well being in their shoes and I was happy to give back; to be the smiling face that made them feel more at ease in the midst of all the panic.

I met some pretty amazing girls (and one guy) and I sure hope I see them again in the fall!

Thankful: Day 51

So, yesterday, I chose to be thankful for the lesson I gave my class on family.

Mostly I chose that subject because I had little else to be thankful for...least of all the Pharmacology exam I took...where I guessed on 29 of 60 questions. So...yeah.

Today was much better than yesterday for sure.

Circumstances notwithstanding, I am thankful that we got out of school early today. My name got called in Perio to answer a question I did not know the answer to. I was bailed out by my wonderful classmate sitting next to me so I didn't look like a fool in front of a class full of dental students.

We'll just overlook the wordy dird I said when my name was called and I kind of freaked out.

Thankful: Day 50

Tonight with my 4th grade girls we made a family tree.

I love my family. I kind of pride myself in knowing who my family is. I can name off my parents' cousins, aunts, uncles...I just love family. I love tracking the genes and seeing who looks like whom; it's fascinating.

It was good to teach the girls how important family is and how important it is to know and love them.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Thankful: Day 49

Zac made it to the eye doctor today!

Matt saved the day by taking off work early to get him there...and since we didn't miss the appointment, we don't have to be "fired" (as the kind *snort* receptionist told us over the phone), well, not yet anyway. I still have lots of room for forgetfulness. Hopefully Matt will be able to save the day again when that time comes.

After the drama with the doctor's office last month, and then a cancellation due to ice yesterday, we were really glad to get him in.

Thankfully, we got good news. His left eye is still not normal and there is still no explanation for its rapid decline. However, he was able to see slightly better out of it during the appointment today and because the left eye seems to be working well together with the right, the doctor does not want to start vision therapy just yet.

The office was able to fix his glasses even better than Lens Crafters, complete with a spring so they stay on his face like they should.  I feel much better about him wearing them to school and to play soccer this coming spring.

He will go back in September and we are praying for a miracle...and I am breaking out the Frankincense essential oil.

P.S. Round 2 of "Dental Hygiene school in February is straight from Hades" has commenced. Thankfully, I made an A on my competency yesterday, and A on another competency today, a 92 on my Research exam and a 95(!!!!) on my Radiology exam!  I'm on a roll!  Now to study for two more exams tomorrow.  Wish me luck!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Thankful: Day 48

7 years ago today this little guy joined our family!

Our lives wouldn't be the same without him. We are so very blessed.

He brings joy, laughter, goofiness, and big, big love into our daily lives!

This seems like yesterday: 

How does time go so quickly?!  

So, Happy Birthday Zac-Man!  

We love you so so so so much!!

Especially when you make this face!  

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Thankful: Day 47

We had a Skylander's birthday extravaganza today!

Zac is one happy boy after his party! He sure is one very loved little boy!

I still can't believe he is going to be 7 tomorrow.

Also, I have done absolutely no studying At All . In fact, one of my classmates posted that we should remember to take study breaks this weekend. I am sure she meant that we should take breaks from studying...So far I have only managed to take small breaks to study.

But, I got to celebrate my favorite little boy in the whole world. Studying can wait.

Thankful: Day 46

Matt and I "celebrated" Valentine's Day last weekend.

We don't really do Valentine's Day, it's just not our thing. I know it is special to some people and I don't want to make light of it, but it has just never been important to us.

We usually buy each other a card and go out to eat on a different night that the rest of the state.

This year, we took the kids to see the new Spongebob movie, Sponge Out of Water. Madelyn and I laughed at a man in the audience until we cried (we're so mature) and had popcorn!  (We never buy popcorn at the movies; it breaks the budget...)

We spent the rest of the non movie watching part of the day cleaning house, which needed to be done considering Zac's birthday party is tomorrow and we still have two kitchen tables hanging out in our house.

Matt swept and mopped the kitchen floor.

Best Valentine's gift EVER!

Thankful: Day 45

I got to go to the hospital for a non stress test with my sister today.

It wasn't exciting, sitting in that tiny triage room, but I got to hear the sweet babies' heartbeats for the first time!!

We also got to watch most of an episode of Gilmore Girls which was awesome, and reminded me that is has been WAY too long since I have watched that glorious show.

I love Fridays!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thankful: Day 44

I was talking to my boss (and best ballet teacher ever, of course) the other day and she said this:

"I can't remember when it happened that waking up in the morning meant the best part of my day was over."

Of course that is an exaggeration, but geez, I feel that way so often these days.

Thanks to my favorite purchase ever, (in the history of the world) my Serta iComfort Savant mattress, I always get a full night's sleep, even though it isn't ever for as long as I would like...

It's kind of silly, really, to be thankful for a mattress. But go lay on'll understand.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thankful: Day 43

Today was legislative day at the state capitol with the Oklahoma Dental Hygienists Association.

It wasn't what I expected, but it was fun to see all the seniors and the gals from the distance sites.

I was able to tell a representative a tooth joke.

It wasn't really came off the back of a Laffy Taffy.

What kind of teeth only cost a dollar?

You ready??

Buck Teeth!  

Well, he didn't laugh either, but you can't blame me for trying...besides he told a lame joke first!

Thankful: Day 42

I assisted a 4th year dental student with a bridge prep.

My dad was able to pick the kids up from school.

Radiology class was cancelled, but we all took the quiz before we left for the day and I made a 100!

I got home, and before I could lose all my gumption, I cooked dinner.

It was quesadillas, made with pre-cooked nothin' fancy around these parts.

I watched one episode of Downton (Season 5 ya'll, almost caught up!!) and got to bed EARLY!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Thankful: Day 41

Since yesterday evening, I have eaten half a box of Savannah Smiles girl scout cookies. I should really learn to control myself.

I saw my very first real life patient today. I don't think my patient was aware of that fact, and I most certainly kept it to myself. Honestly, I am relieved that the "first" is over. It is so stressful going over and over in your head how something might go. I am totally aware that I over think pretty much everything and I stress about things way too much. (To the point that I had a classmate tell me last week that she couldn't believe I am not on Xanax...) But it is always scary doing something new. I know that I am well educated and I know that I am capable of doing exactly what needs to be done in the clinic, but the first time...well, that just messes with my head. Next time it will be easier, and before I know it, patients will be just another part of a normal day.

I can't wait for that day!

But for today, I am thankful that I didn't vomit or pee myself...(mostly kidding) and although I didn't get as far into the sequence as I would have liked, I did everything to the best of my ability. I am alive and well to tell the tale, and nobody got injured in the process.

Also, thanks to TobyMac for his "Way Beyond Me" song that played on Air1 on the way to school today. That song always pumps me up because I know that situations where I feel in over my head keep me counting on the Lord for strength.

Thankful: Day 40

I have struggled with what to be thankful for today. It has been a blur and we have really just worked around the house. The poor house has been neglected after the whirlwind that was last week. Add to that being in Tulsa all day yesterday, we had a lot of catching up to do.

My sweet husband worked until he was sore today. I cleaned up the kitchen, started laundry, made a grocery store run, and put up all the groceries. Then I paused for a long time to study for a quiz and prepare for seeing my first patient tomorrow. He worked non-stop. Dishes, laundry, our bathroom...he knocked it out of the park.

Thanks to him, I will be sleeping on clean sheets tonight...and believe me, I am going to need an amazing night's sleep to face tomorrow.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Thankful: Day 39

Today I was able to help with Oklahoma Mission of Mercy.

I will be candid. I feel like I am a pretty compassionate and caring person. I want to help others. These qualities and the desire to help fit well with my social work degree and they also fit quite well with dental hygiene. BUT, I was not looking forward to this. My classmates were posting to Facebook how excited they were to help out, but I was tired. I had spent the entire week doing homework and studying for tests and quizzes. I gave up several hours that could have been spent with my family and devoted them to school. Then I had to send my kids to Grammy and Poppy's house for the weekend while I drove out to Tulsa to volunteer my precious time to people other than my own family. I didn't have the best attitude.

I'm still tired, but spending the day helping others and having quality conversation with them, and teaching them was amazing. I didn't get to assist any hygienists. I spent the entire shift at the oral hygiene instruction table, but it was still amazing. I got to look in the eyes of people so in desperate need of dental care that they stood outside all night long, for a chance to receive care. It was a fantastic day!

To top it all off, Matt went with me, so we got to make a date night of out little Tulsa trip. We ate at a "sit down" restaurant where there are hostesses and waiters...and you have to tip.  (In case you couldn't tell, we don't do that much...) We did a little shopping and a lot of talking (with no interruptions) and just got to be together.

Sometimes you just need an attitude adjustment.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Thankful: Day 38

It's safe to say this has been a rough week. 

Yesterday one of our professors confirmed that this in fact the hardest semester we will face in hygiene school. I'm not sure whether to cry or be happy that 5 weeks of it are already over.

Today, though, I decided to take it easy. 

I took 4 hours today to forget that I took 3 exams, 4 quizzes, 4 homework assignments and a competency...forget that I didn't do so well on a couple of those quizzes...and forget that Monday morning, I will sit a real live human being (who is not a classmate) in a real dental chair and be a real live clinician.  

I have to forget, because if I think about it I will FREAK COMPLETELY OUT!!!

I went to An Affair of the Heart with my sister. We shopped for ourselves and for the babies. 

And for the first time since I have had kids I bought for myself and NOT for them!  It's a miracle! 

Thankful: Day 37

Yesterday I made a 70 on a Geriatric Dentistry quiz. Today I made a 70 on a Dental Hygiene Theory quiz.

Suffice to say, this week is getting on my nerves.

However, since tomorrow is a laid back day, (only 1 quiz...) I decided to make a decent meal for a change.

I made my favorite meal ever: sour cream chicken enchiladas. They were wonderful and everyone ate together with a smile.

I am thankful for the evenings, even in the middle of a hellish week, when I am able to pretend everything is fine and cook a meal we all enjoy.

Even better, Matt cleared the table, put up the leftovers and let me take a long hot shower while he did homework with the kid. Then he handed me a wad of cash and told me to have fun at An Affair of the Heart tomorrow.  He's a keeper!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Thankful: Day 36

I didn't have class this afternoon.

Sadly, our professor had a family emergency and was unable to teach. Certainly not ideal circumstances and her father is in my prayers.

I have to admit, I was still glad to have the afternoon off.

I spent my lovely afternoon at Starbuck's where I enjoyed a free Venti iced white chocolate mocha and studied for tomorrow's pharmacology exam. I made some great studying progress...although I still see something like an all-nighter in my very near future.

I also see Taco Mayo in my very near future as all this studying has not afforded me time to cook dinner.

Thankful: Day 35

We had our first experience with broken glasses today. They "fell off" when Zac was running at recess and got stepped on by another child. They managed to make it through the school day, but once my sister got him home, the screw fell out and the whole ear piece fell off.

Not thankful for that...

Zac was beside himself. Bawling. Freaking out. I don't know where he gets that...

I bought a eyeglass repair kit at Walgreens but none of the screws fit so we were out of luck and about to pull out the duct tape.

On a whim, we looked up the closest Lens Crafters. It was 6:40. Lens Crafters closes at 7. Matt called and they assured him they would fix the glasses if he could get there by 7.

He made it, glasses are fixed and they did it for free!

Now we just need to be sure he can make it without breaking them again before his next eye doctor appointment in 2 weeks.

Thankful: Day 34

Since last year when I saw a picture of a dental hygiene student standing on top of her crushed car in her dental hygiene sweatpants, I have wanted a pair. 

I LOVE sweatpants. Especially since I am still working on the "fat pants" issue. 

We got our dental hygiene sweatpants today and I am in love!  

Who invented sweatpants? 

I just googled it and here is the answer I got...According to The Daily Beast, Le Coq Sportif invented sweatpants in France during the 1920s.

I don't know who Le Coq Sportif is, but God bless him!!

Thankful: Day 33

Superbowl Sunday.

I'm not a huge football fan, but I do watch the Super Bowl. My team didn't win, so that was a bummer...but it was still a fun evening.

The kids got to hang with Grandma and eat lots of junk food.

Lastly, a lot of people complained about the commercials. Most weren't funny (except for the Snicker's Brady Bunch commercial which I thought was great, although not groundbreaking) but they were very poignant. Dad's watching the Super Bowl were encouraged to be good fathers and told that they play an important role in their children's lives. We were all encouraged to make great strides to make our homes safe for our children.

Some say they were depressing and killed the mood...but I thought they were great. We may just see accidental deaths of children go down, and that is a great thing.

More important than the Super Bowl...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Thankful: Day 32

I have made it through one month of penning a blog every day!

I can hardly believe it, considering the last time I tried to do this it took me about 4 months to write a month's worth of blogs.

Some posts have been mundane, others have been deep, and still others have been silly, but I kept going. I haven't always been timely, but I made it work.

Some days I like to go back and read what I wrote. I like to remember what the Lord has done. I have to remember what He has done in the past so when times get hard, I have the proof of his goodness and faithfulness right in front of my eyes.

It's been a fun ride so far and I look forward to the next 11 months.