My daughter, Mady, is obsessed with make-up. Anything and everything to do with it. She loves make-up, and if she can't wear it, she will make sure mommy (or Grammy) DOES.
Mady started Pre-K this year and for three whole weeks Mommy, Zac, and on occasion, another child under 2, walked her all the way to class. Quite tiring for Mommy who has to get 3 children out of carseats and then put 2 of them back into carseats. Anyhow, for at least a week I had tried to convince Mady to walk to class "like a big girl" and nothing was working. One day before I had put make up on, Mady looks at me and in a very concerned voice says, "It's okay if you don't walk me into school today, so you don't have to go in looking not pretty."
Wish I had known it would be that easy...
As I said, she is quite obsessed with make-up.
While staying with Grammy and PaPa one weekend, she took one look at her Grammy, who happened to have no make up on and said,
"Grammy, do you have any makeup on today?"
Grammy: "No"
Mady: "You look like a vampire."
Grammy promptly put makeup on.