So, I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while, a long while actually. I decided to stop thinking about it and just do it. For starters, I am not one with wildly original ideas, I am acutally quite ordinary...however...I do have EXTRAordinary kids and I decided to share them with you.
The story I have decided to share with you is about my daughter, Mady.
We had been to San Antonio to visit family in May of 2007, she was 2 1/2. We took her to Sea World and she had a BLAST! They had a small theatre there showing a 3-D movie about pirates. It was complete with sound effects and rumbling seats etc...and of course, the children in the audience were screaming and laughing. This scared Mady greatly and we had to leave the theatre with a young girl forever fearful of pirates! Six months later, we were back in San Antonio to visit family for Thanksgiving. We were on our way to eat when we stopped at a red light next to a homeless man who was looking rather rough. Mady takes one look out the window and says...
"Hey, look at that pirate!"
A Golden Birthday
5 years ago
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