Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 17

My 28 thanks:

1. family

2. baseball games

3. fireworks

4. my kids' smiles

5. foul balls

6. cheap Sonic dates

7. generous people

8. cousins

9. sleepovers at grandma's

10. free parking at Bass Pro Shop

11. sunshine

12. sunglasses

13. tank tops

14. ponytails

15. comfy athletic shorts

16. nights without kids (occasionally)

17. TV time with Matt

18. air conditioning

19. ceiling fans

20. My kids are super cute!

21. My kids behave in public.

22. laughter

23. My husband is really smart.

24. My in-laws made it home safe from Albuquerque.

25. bright colored Sharpies

26. common sense

27. green lights when I am in a hurry

28. homemade dinner with my family