Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 24

I'm putting it all out there today.  I want to dance.  I just really want to dance. 

The saying goes, "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach."  I teach dance, but I want to DO it too!  What I lack right now is the confidence and you all who have been reading for a while know that I am working on it.  I am getting my dancer's body back.  Passion can make up for a lack of perfection which is good, because even before kids, my body wasn't "perfect", but it was was trim.  Fit and trim is my goal, not perfection.  I am hoping that by recital time in May, I will have obtained my dancer body, I will have choreographed an entire dance...and hopefully, I will be give the OK to perform it at the recital.  Maybe I will get the chance to share it with you also?  We shall see...

My 28 thanks:

1. Dance as an art form.  I love it!

2. Dance as a ministry.  I need to be a part of it!

3. We woke up a little late but still made it early to school. 

4. I got a package in the mail that I had been waiting on for a while. 

5. Zachary's Skylander toy that we sent in for out of a bag of chips came in the mail.  He was ecstatic!

6. We left church at 8:45. 

7. Candy Crush is good brain exercise...especially level 181.  I am completely sure that once I beat this level, my brain will be good and strong... :)

8. Grandma's spaghetti.  I am not sure where this recipe originated...but I am so glad it exists!

9. The grocery store is mostly empty when you go at 9:30 at night.

10. Sales!

11. My new outside owl.  It lights up using solar power and looks super cool!

12. It was on clearance at K-Mart!

13. Women of the New Testament we can emulate.

14. People who have a servant's heart.  I try to be one.

15. I can choose to serve.  I don't have to teach my 4th grade girls on Wednesday nights, I GET to.

16. The book of Psalms.  David knew how to pour our his heart to the Lord.

17. The Bible isn't a book of fairy tales and make believe, the stories are Truth and give life.

18. If you let it, the Bible can change your life.  I want it to change me.

19. Matt received a huge compliment from his former boss.  She didn't realize how much work he really did.

20. My husband is a dedicated and hard worker.  He never complains about his workload.

21. My Sanuk flip flops are crazy comfy.  Best $$ I ever spend on a pair of flip flops...even if they aren't really fashion forward...

22. I am looking forward to fall, but I will miss my flip flops!

23. Spelling.  I am so glad I am a good speller.  Misspelled words and misused grammar drive me crazy!

24. God cares about us and what we are going through.

25. He will never leave us or forsake us, even in our darkest hours.

26. Jesus is my best friend.

27. He sticks closer than a brother.

28. God gave me my talent and He expects me to be a good steward of it.