Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 30!

I live an ordinary day to day life.  I don't do anything particularly special...but I am pursuing my dream, raising my children (who I happen to think are particularly special) and living for the Lord.  I don't always enjoy every aspect of every day...but I love this life I have been given.  Sometimes I have to convince myself that last sentence is true, especially when my first world problems seem so enormous to me. (like not getting tickets to Wicked...)  On this journey called life, I have had ups and downs; I have had unexpected turns, and at least once, I experienced a dark valley.  My God lives, my God loves and my God restores.  I have much to be thankful for.

My 28 thanks:

1. I was able to get back to my dental hygiene observations after 12 days. 

2. Every day I observe, I am more sure of this career.

3. God never wastes an experience.  He is always ready to use my life to bring glory to His name.

4. Madelyn aced her second AR test.  In only two tests, she has accumulated 9 points.

5. Madelyn loves her Tuesday night Tap/Jazz class with Miss Tiffany.

6. Matt grilled chicken for dinner.

7. I made healthy side dishes to go with the chicken.  We had lots of veggies with no added salt.

8. I am learning to meal plan.

9. I go to the grocery store on a mission, with a comprehensive list.

10. I have decided to consciously choose healthier meals and food.

11. Wheeler's meat market.  Since I can't have Matt's grandfather's home grown calf meat...this at least is a close second.

12. My top 2 picks (out of the top 4) won on So You Think You Can Dance.

13. Madelyn was as excited as I was about the SYTYCD results...maybe more so!

14. I accidentally had my DVR set to record first run & reruns of SYTYCD.  It recorded the finale twice.  This is great news since the end of the 1st recording and the beginning of the 2nd was actually the President addressing the nation.  (P.S. I am not complaining about the President's address...I am thankful that I recorded the show twice so I didn't miss anything.)

15. Stories in the Old Testament can teach us lessons for today.

16. By the end of the month I will be fully caught up on my Bible reading.  I have a plan.  :)

17. Proverbs 20:18-- Plans succeed through good counsel.  I am so thankful for good counsel in my life.

18. My dad gives good, Godly counsel.

19. Pillow talk.  Matt and I always have the best conversations after the kids are in bed.

20. The fair is coming!  I love the fair!

21. Rain is forecasted for this weekend!  I blame thank the fair!

22. I saw 80's forecasted for the weekend!

23. I made it a whole week on half a tank of gas. 

24. I don't know how to explain this, but...I feel good.  I don't cringe when I look in the mirror and I am learning to accept myself.  This is definitely something supernaturally miraculous.  :)

25. I am only 11(ish) pounds away from my goal weight.

26. I won't ever be "perfect" but I love that I have set realistic and healthy goals for myself.

27. God is doing a good work in me.

28. He will be faithful to complete this good work.