Monday, March 2, 2015

Thankful: Day 61

I honestly can't believe that I have made this blog happen for 61 days. With everything I have on my plate, it was a crazy idea to say the least. Somedays, I just don't find the time to take even 5 minutes to write something boring and cliche.
Through it all, I am determined to make it work...even if I have to blog 6 days worth in one evening.

This morning we braved the icy roads to make it to church. I didn't want to go, I was tired (even after the amazing snow day yesterday) and I just wanted to stay in bed. Thankfully, Matt teaches Sunday School, so I had to suck it up, get dressed and show up.

First, I made myself an amazing coffee to go. Then I drove the family to church and only had slippery trouble in the neighborhood. I just happened to get the last Cinnamon Crunch Panera bagel in the bowl and it was delicious! I enjoyed a great Sunday School lesson and Sunday morning sermon then got in the car to find that the roads were completely clear and the neighborhood streets were no longer icy, but slushy. We walked into a kitchen that was thick with the aroma of a roast and had a fantastic Sunday lunch.

We ended the evening by watching the Thunder beat the Lakers on my dad's new 75" TV and it was amazing!  It makes my 36" look tiny...

It was just an ordinary day, but I loved every minute.