Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 32

These days, I am becoming very conscious of what I am thankful for.  Sometimes I find it funny.  Like when the light stays green as I come up on it and I make it through the intersection without even having to slow down.  I love that!  I always thank God when that happens...but now I think, "should I put that in my blog?"  Haha! 

My 28 thanks:

1. Green lights!

2. Getting to whiz through an intersection like I own it!  :)

3. I can thank the Lord...even for the very small things.

4. The Lord cares about the small things.

5. Small things can be very important.

6. I love, love, love my 1st and 2nd grade ballet class.  I could teach it every day of the week if they would let me!

7. I finally finished So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore.  I had to renew it 3 times from the library, but I got through it and let me tell you something: It is a life changing book!

8. I renewed the book 3 times, but always on time and I never incurred a late fee.  If you know me at know this is a BIG deal.  :)

9. All my library fines are under $50 so they won't report me to the credit bureau. 

10. One of our library cards has no fines on it, so we can still check out books.  Haha!

11. Some days a few of my 28 thanks are goofy (, but the Lord loves even the goofy things I am thankful for.

12. My friend Sallie's husband, Jon, is a lung transplant recipient.  He recently battled some rejection issues, but through prayer and faith, his medical issues have been miraculously resolved and he is doing much better.

13. My friend, Justin, from high school was recently diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.  He had surgery to remove the tumor and they also removed part of his rib where they think the cancer originated.  The doctors believe with the surgery and treatment he will soon be in remission.  This is a huge miracle!

14. My God is in the healing business.

15. I was able to go an a walk with my friend Nicole.  We always have great conversation together.

16. My in-laws dropped everything to drive from Chickasha and attend grandparent's night at my kids' school.

17. Mrs. Thedford, Madelyn's teacher, loves her.  Every time we talk to her, she tells us how excited she was to see Madelyn's name on her class roster.

18. Madelyn has had favor with all her teachers!

19. I am having to work on my creative genius since Madelyn wants to be Vanellope Von Schweets (from Wreck it Ralph) for Halloween.  I am currently accepting creative help on this matter...feel free to weigh in. 

20. Some day my kids will be too old to want to "celebrate" Halloween.  (Do you know how much candy I could buy with the money I spend on they can GET candy...for FREE??)

21. It rained for the first time in over 20 days!

22. My family and I stood outside for a long time just watching and smelling the rain.

23. I got an amazing roast at the meat market.  It was delicious and SO easy to clean up.

24. Lucy is really enjoying her photography class.

25. I just remembered that I have had so much to be thankful for lately I forgot one!  My dad went skydiving last Saturday.  He really enjoyed it and he lived to tell the tale! 

26. I am now not the only one in my family brave and exciting enough to jump out of "a perfectly good plane".  Some people just don't know how to have a good time!  :)

27. I bought my favorite ice cream at Braum's last night, Pistachio Almond, in case you were wondering.  Everything in moderation, I always say.

28. 50 more days till my sister's wedding!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 31

Well folks, it may have taken me 3 months...but I have made it through a whole 31 days.  I think that might count for all 28 of today's thanks!  :)

My 28 thanks:

1. I can remember where I was, what I did and pretty much every single detail of Sept. 11 2001.  Because of this, I will never forget the lives lost, the sacrifices made and the way the nation rallied together.

2. In 12 years we have not had another Sept. 11th experience in our country.

3. My kids have never known the fear I experienced that day.  I pray they never will.

4. I was able to reconnect with a friend I thought I had lost forever.

5. We are making plans to see each other soon.  It will be nice to see her sweet smile and laugh with her again.  I have missed her.

6. My 4th grade girls had a fun evening in class last night.

7. I think my class is where the girls learn to let loose and get a little crazy.  I'm not sure what this says about my teaching ability, but I kind of like it.  :)

8. They were able to draw some fantastic pictures tonight.  I hope they will be a blessing to Awaken.

9. We would have gotten home by 8:45 if we hadn't stopped to talk to several friends on the way out of the church.

10. Matt and I are both starting to break out of our little introverted shells and start initiating conversations with people.

11. It is so nice, the response you get when you initiate conversation!  Who knew??  I've always waited for people to talk to me, so this is a nice change.

12. I had life giving conversation with a lady at church tonight.  It made me see a dear friend in a different light.

13. I have a hardworking, honest, loyal and trustworthy husband. 

14. He also makes me laugh.  My life would be boring without him in it.

15. I have completed 12 of 40 required dental hygiene observation hours. 

16. I got to see another side of the profession today.  I was introduced to the world of phone calls and sterilization of instruments. 

17. I am slowly learning patience.  I wish I were in dental school right now!  All in God's timing.

18. I got to see Hope's sweet baby boy.  I am WAY to young to feel so old!  I remember when Debbie was holding tiny sweet baby Hope.  Yikes!

19. The Kid Mo song, Shine Your Light is totally going to help my girls memorize their verse for our next unit, Fruit of the Spirit.  I love songs that make hiding God's Word in your heart easy and lasting.

20. I have opportunities every day to shine the light of Jesus.

21. I can choose to love instead of hate.

22. I can choose to hold my tongue and pray for others when I read hateful posts on facebook.

23. Freedom of religion.  I can choose to believe in God and have the right to worship Him freely.

24. Clean sheets.

25. I was so proud of Zachary at church last night.  I had picked up a hula hoop and carried it across the room to hang it up where it belongs. I had to pause and watch as my little guy picked up several hula hoops off the ground and hung them up without being asked.  He is always looking for ways he can help.

26. Madelyn rocked it out on stage last night at church.  She looked like she was having fun up there.

27. The kids really enjoyed the game and music at church last night.  I have fun just watching them have fun.

28. I have successfully made it through 31 days of thankfulness! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 30!

I live an ordinary day to day life.  I don't do anything particularly special...but I am pursuing my dream, raising my children (who I happen to think are particularly special) and living for the Lord.  I don't always enjoy every aspect of every day...but I love this life I have been given.  Sometimes I have to convince myself that last sentence is true, especially when my first world problems seem so enormous to me. (like not getting tickets to Wicked...)  On this journey called life, I have had ups and downs; I have had unexpected turns, and at least once, I experienced a dark valley.  My God lives, my God loves and my God restores.  I have much to be thankful for.

My 28 thanks:

1. I was able to get back to my dental hygiene observations after 12 days. 

2. Every day I observe, I am more sure of this career.

3. God never wastes an experience.  He is always ready to use my life to bring glory to His name.

4. Madelyn aced her second AR test.  In only two tests, she has accumulated 9 points.

5. Madelyn loves her Tuesday night Tap/Jazz class with Miss Tiffany.

6. Matt grilled chicken for dinner.

7. I made healthy side dishes to go with the chicken.  We had lots of veggies with no added salt.

8. I am learning to meal plan.

9. I go to the grocery store on a mission, with a comprehensive list.

10. I have decided to consciously choose healthier meals and food.

11. Wheeler's meat market.  Since I can't have Matt's grandfather's home grown calf meat...this at least is a close second.

12. My top 2 picks (out of the top 4) won on So You Think You Can Dance.

13. Madelyn was as excited as I was about the SYTYCD results...maybe more so!

14. I accidentally had my DVR set to record first run & reruns of SYTYCD.  It recorded the finale twice.  This is great news since the end of the 1st recording and the beginning of the 2nd was actually the President addressing the nation.  (P.S. I am not complaining about the President's address...I am thankful that I recorded the show twice so I didn't miss anything.)

15. Stories in the Old Testament can teach us lessons for today.

16. By the end of the month I will be fully caught up on my Bible reading.  I have a plan.  :)

17. Proverbs 20:18-- Plans succeed through good counsel.  I am so thankful for good counsel in my life.

18. My dad gives good, Godly counsel.

19. Pillow talk.  Matt and I always have the best conversations after the kids are in bed.

20. The fair is coming!  I love the fair!

21. Rain is forecasted for this weekend!  I blame thank the fair!

22. I saw 80's forecasted for the weekend!

23. I made it a whole week on half a tank of gas. 

24. I don't know how to explain this, but...I feel good.  I don't cringe when I look in the mirror and I am learning to accept myself.  This is definitely something supernaturally miraculous.  :)

25. I am only 11(ish) pounds away from my goal weight.

26. I won't ever be "perfect" but I love that I have set realistic and healthy goals for myself.

27. God is doing a good work in me.

28. He will be faithful to complete this good work. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 29

   Back in April, I uncharacteristically left my garage door open for one hour between returning to my house from running errands and taking Zachary to pm pre-k.  In that one hour, (in broad daylight with my car in the garage) thieves stole $1000 worth of tools, bikes and lawn equipment.  I was scared and Matt was mad, but from that mistake and its consequences, we became very conscious of our coming and going as well as the status of our garage door...even to the point of driving back by the house to make sure it was shut. 
   Monday, I left the house to take the kids to school.  I planned to go to the Y to workout but I forgot a water bottle.  I pulled out of the driveway, and my mind was apparently focused on coming back to the house for water.  As I drove around the curve leading to my house after dropping off the kids, I could see immediately that my garage door was OPEN...and had I had my heart rate monitor on it would have been maxed out.  I did it AGAIN!  I opened the door to my house and took a quick look around the kitchen.  Once I determined that it appeared no one had entered my home, I left the door open...just in case, and checked the garage for missing items.  Nothing was missing in the garage so I shut the garage door (and made sure it shut all the way before walking away) and checked the entire house for any intruder that might have been hiding in a closet. 

                   Note to self:  Next time grab something that can be used as a weapon before opening closet doors searching for a possible intruder... 
    Once I discovered no one had entered my home, I relaxed.  I did NOT go to the Y.  I figured my heart rate had been elevated enough already... I know people who would say that was just luck.  I wasn't gone long enough for anyone to enter my garage and take things; I was just fortunate that I forgot my water and immediately came back home.  I know better than that.  God orders my steps.  Sometimes I make mistakes and don't close the garage, but God is always going before me and looking out for me.  I am thankful for His protection...I'm going to make mistakes, but God's got my back. 

My 28 thanks:

1. God cares about me.

2. He goes before me, He knows what lies ahead and what mistakes I will make, but He has a solution.

3. There was a hedge of protection around my home Monday morning.

4. I have been reminded how important it is for me to watch the garage door not get sidetracked or in too big of a hurry that I forget to protect my possessions.

5. Although I drove away from my home with the garage door open, nothing was missing.

6. I called the eye doctor to discuss some issues I am having with my contacts and prescription.  He was able to fit me right in.  Within 45 minutes of my phone call I was in the office.

7. He tweaked my prescription a little...I think I might not be so lopsided.  It's kind of a test, I hope we can figure this out.

8.  My friend Amber aced her interview and was able to start a much needed a prayed for job immediately.

9. Just as I was starting to get irritated, I found pre-printed bridal shower invitations at the 6th store I went to!

10. 5 of the 6 stores I looked in for invitations were located in the same general area.

11. The kids were really excited that they got to wear hats to school for spirit week.

12. Madelyn put together a whole Minnie Mouse outfit to go with her mouse ears hat.

13. I am a Mama to a little girl who loves to dance!

14. I am a Mama to a little boy who loves Star Wars just like his Daddy!  Now if only we could get him to watch one of the movies (the original trilogy...duh...) instead of the ridiculously cheesy Droids cartoon.

15. Zachary loves to play video games with his Daddy. 

16. Madelyn is reading on a high enough level that I can start introducing her to some of my very favorite books.  Within Jane Austen quite yet... :)

17. After only two AR tests, she is over halfway to her 6 week goal!

18. Matt and Zachary spent a whole hour together outside blowing bubbles.

19. Madelyn had a really great night in ballet.  She was excited to tell me all about it.

20. Matt has a job that stretches him and makes him better.

21. He prepared for a presentation he gets to make in front of several people in his company. 

22. Matt has favor at his job.

23. His company is paying for him to take a few software classes at a local vo-tech.  He loves learning things that make him more efficient at his job.

24. Matt's job is community service oriented. 

25. Another friend of mine has started a 10,000 reasons blog.  I love reading what my friends are thankful for. 

26. The grass is starting to turn yellow.  This means fall is on the way and we won't have to mow as much!

27. Cooler temperatures are on the horizon.

28. I recently discovered that a ring I got for Christmas from my in-laws 4 years ago, but was too snug on my ring finger, fits perfectly now!  It will be the perfect wedding ring alternative when I start putting my hands in people's mouths on a daily basis.  :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 28

The second time's the charm?  I got this whole day typed up except for number 28.  I was thinking about how to say what I wanted to say and in the mean time clicked the save button.  Blogger decided that was the perfect time to have a massive error and my day was gone.  So, here it is again...

My 28 thanks:

1. Only 54 more days till Sarah's wedding!

2. We had no plans for our Sunday except for church and lunch.

3. We had pizza for lunch.  I LOVE pizza, but I ate slowly and was able to control myself. 

4. After lunch we went to Kohl's to look for some shoes for Matt. He found exactly what he was looking for.  They were on sale AND we had a 20% off coupon.  He got them for $2 under budget.

5. Lucy invited the kids over for a day of play at her house.

6. She invited her son, Michael's, kids over as well. 

7. Madelyn helped take care of baby Blake which she, or course, loved.

8. Zachary played outside all day with Brody.

9. They had a great time picking up all of Grandma's shells out of her garden.

10. A spirit of discernment

11. Friends who I can make laugh.

12. I stepped out of my comfort zone and invited a friend to lunch this week.

13. Making plans with friends for a weekend away.

14. I didn't have a chance to eat breakfast at home.  Thankfully, my Sunday school provided bagels and they were delicious!

15. Matt and I were able to take a Sunday afternoon nap in a quiet kid-free house.

16. We were also able to clean 1 1/2 hours off of our DVR.

17. Matt and I get a kick out of Duck Dynasty...but...He will never be allowed to grow a beard like the Robertsons...

18. When we went back to pick up the kids, I helped my sister stuff envelopes even though I told myself I wouldn't... It was a big help to my sister.

19. Matt helped stuff envelopes too.  He can be a sweetheart when he wants to be!  :)

20. Matt came up with a bedtime routine trade off for the kids.  It worked like a charm.

21. Zachary doesn't like carbonated beverages.  He thinks they are spicy.  I hope this lasts forever.

22. When Zachary thinks I am not looking, he bows his head, clasps his hands and prays for his lunch.  Sweetest thing ever!

23. I was given the OK to start planning and preparing for Sarah's family bridal shower.

24. Fall means all our favorite shows start up again soon.  We can't wait for Biggest Loser and Once Upon a Time to start...

25. Avatar: The Legend of Korra starts on Friday!  We are way too excited about this!

26. We are leaning to live on purpose. 

27. The Lord always provides for our family.

28. The Lord always protects our family.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Days 26 and 27

Day 26

Weekends are busy.  Actually, I haven't been on the computer since Friday afternoon and here it is Sunday evening at 10pm.  I will try to catch up by posting my thanks for Friday and Saturday tonight and I will get to Sunday's thanks tomorrow.  :)  

My 28 thanks:

1. I got to eat dinner with my sister.

2. My sister has fun friends.

3. Her friends made tying ribbons on invitations fun.

4. We tied a ton of bows.  A lot was accomplished.

5. Watching the Norwegian fox song with Jessi is a lot of fun.

6. I love my sister.

7. I love that I only have one sister.

8. My one sister won't get married ever again! 

9. Zachary had a fun guys night with Daddy while I was helping Sarah.

10. Madelyn gets excited about seeing Sarah and her friends.

11. The bridal shower invitations (for one shower) are done! 

12. Christina has done most of the work for this particular shower.  I am infinitely thankful for that.

13. Lucy has been a trooper, letting us put wedding invitations all over the place in her formal dining room.  Hopefully, we will be done soon and she can have her room back!

14. Madelyn took her first AR test and made a 100%

15. My kids make me proud every day.

16. I am learning to step out of my comfort zone.

17. Matt came home early from work!

18. Sarah and I met with the florist today.  We finalized plans and made the down payment.  One more thing to check off the to-do list.

19. The wedding to-do list is getting smaller and smaller.

20. Jennifer at A New Beginning Florist is one of the nicest ladies I have ever done business with.

21. She is genuinely interested in doing the best ever job for Sarah's wedding.  I would totally recommend her.

22. I am excited to do business with her since her store at 4th and Telephone in Moore was majorly damaged during the May 20th tornado.

23. My sister's wedding invitations may be labor intensive, but they are super cute.  She and Chad did good.

24. I started the guest list for the family shower.  I may be a little behind, but I am quickly getting back on track.

25. The new series of LEGO mini-figures is out.  Matt found 5 of the 6 we wanted immediately!  That never happens.  :)

26. He and Zachary were so excited they came straight home, hung another type tray on the wall and put all our LEGO mini-figures in it.

27. I am a really cool wife.  I let my husband hang type trays on the wall containing LEGO mini-figures and I actually like it. 

28. Zachary loves LEGOs.  I'm pretty sure that means he is going to be a super smart architect or something. 

Day  27

My 28 thanks:

1. Our only plans for the day lasted until 12:30.  We had the whole afternoon unplanned.

2. The breakfast at the Family iD conference was delicious.

3. Panera Bread breakfast sandwiches.  Who knew they were so good?  Probably everyone but me! 

4. The conference was really fantastic.  I had my doubts and we weren't planning to go early on, but I am so glad we decided to do it.

5. Greg Gunn is an amazing man.  I am so glad we met him 4 (ish) years ago to do our life insurance.  He introduced us to Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover which has brought us to the place we are at now in life.  We will forever be grateful to Greg Gunn.  His Family iD ministry is just icing on the cake.

6. Matt had to leave the conference early, but it was okay, because my friend Nicole was there to keep me company and listen to all my remarks. 

7. Zachary played his first soccer game of the season.  I had to miss it, but Matt said he did a good job.

8. Zachary is improving at soccer.  He actually kicked the ball on the field...although I am told he does still wander around daydreaming some of the time.  :)

9. Madelyn had a good time spending the night at Grandma Lucy's house. 

10. We didn't have to wake Madelyn up early to go to the conference because she stayed the night at Grandma Lucy's house!

11. Lucy celebrated her birthday on Saturday.  She has been a blessing in my life.

12. I was told AGAIN that it looks like I have lost weight!  Yay!

13. OU won their football game.

14. The game was ugly, but it's okay because I didn't get to watch was background noise as I was tying ribbons.

15. I tied 108 ribbons around 108 wedding invitations in 2 1/2 hours.  All by myself!  :)  It's a good thing I love my sister!  It's also a good thing my sister has such an awesome sister!  :)  Ha!

16. Madelyn read a lot of her book while we were at my dad's house watching the game.

17. Zachary is really good at entertaining himself. 

18. He cleaned up all the toys at my dad's house without being asked.

19. He was so excited about "helping" me tie the invitations.  He made sure I always had an invitation and ribbon right in front of me as soon as I was finished with one. 

20. He has a servant's heart.  He is always happy to help.

21. My kids were so tired when we left the house after the game that they went right to bed.

22. I rarely have any problems getting my kids to bed at bedtime.

23. It is never too late to starting being intentional about your family.

24. Matt and I have a plan for our family and it is exciting.

25. We got all our errands run during our free afternoon.

26. We were able to purchase a gift for one of Sarah and Chad's showers...TWO whole weeks early.  I think that is some kind of record for us.

27. Chick-fil-a ice cream cones.  It was such a hot day and they were so cold and delicious.

28. One of our errands was getting the oil changed in Matt's car.  As it was being worked on at Sear's, we went in the store to purchase the shower gift.  After we checked out, we were given a coupon for an oil change that ended up saving us $15.  It was perfect timing. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 25

Look at me...Day 25. 

My 28 thanks:

1. My dance classes were awesome!  I get to teach some great girls this year.

2. Zachary played Littlest Pet Shop on the Wii all day long.  He had a blast and I enjoyed hearing what he named his pets. 

3. Madelyn is reading on a 6th grade reading level! 

4. Madelyn loves to read.  It makes me so proud of her.

5. Zachary's teacher is always complimenting him on his sweet spirit and kind heart. 

6. My kids know how to respect their teachers. (and all other authority as well.)

7. I got lots of ideas about how to help my family eat healthier.

8. I am the gatekeeper of my children's eyes, hearts, ears and mouths.  If I don't teach them what is right, how will they learn?

9. I choose to teach my children good eating habits, it will only benefit them now and in the future.

10. I have a love/hate relationship with half day kindergarten.  On one hand, I don't see how they can learn all they are required to learn in only 2 1/2 hours a day.  On the other hand, the moments I get to spend with my son after school is out for the day are precious. 

11. Zachary has a free spirit. 

12. I get to have one on one time with Zachary every day after school.  This won't last forever, so I am enjoying it!

13. I can have sad days, but they always pass.

14. Grace to make it one day at a time.

15. Friends who cheer me up.

16. Ladies who remember my mom and think of her fondly even after 17 years.  I hope she knows she is still missed.

17. I can choose not to be offended by others.  More often than not, offending me was not that person's intent.

18. Matt cooked dinner.

19. It was almost ready when I got home from the dance studio.

20. Matt's job is flexible, so he is able to get Zachary to soccer practice on Thursday.

21. Zachary is loving soccer practice this season.

22. Matt says Zachary is improving and actually kicks the ball now.  Yay!

23. I did laundry all day and NONE of it was left on the floor in piles...I put it ALL away! 

24. Laundry is less stressful when you do it that way and don't have to look at piles for a week...trying to talk yourself into putting the clothes away...who knew?  :)

25. I haven't washed church name tags on anyone's clothes lately!

26. I had a couple of  "laugh out loud" moments.

27. Memories that make me laugh.

28. Laughter is good for the soul.  It can pick you up when you are down and it can make someone else's day brighter.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 24

I'm putting it all out there today.  I want to dance.  I just really want to dance. 

The saying goes, "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach."  I teach dance, but I want to DO it too!  What I lack right now is the confidence and you all who have been reading for a while know that I am working on it.  I am getting my dancer's body back.  Passion can make up for a lack of perfection which is good, because even before kids, my body wasn't "perfect", but it was was trim.  Fit and trim is my goal, not perfection.  I am hoping that by recital time in May, I will have obtained my dancer body, I will have choreographed an entire dance...and hopefully, I will be give the OK to perform it at the recital.  Maybe I will get the chance to share it with you also?  We shall see...

My 28 thanks:

1. Dance as an art form.  I love it!

2. Dance as a ministry.  I need to be a part of it!

3. We woke up a little late but still made it early to school. 

4. I got a package in the mail that I had been waiting on for a while. 

5. Zachary's Skylander toy that we sent in for out of a bag of chips came in the mail.  He was ecstatic!

6. We left church at 8:45. 

7. Candy Crush is good brain exercise...especially level 181.  I am completely sure that once I beat this level, my brain will be good and strong... :)

8. Grandma's spaghetti.  I am not sure where this recipe originated...but I am so glad it exists!

9. The grocery store is mostly empty when you go at 9:30 at night.

10. Sales!

11. My new outside owl.  It lights up using solar power and looks super cool!

12. It was on clearance at K-Mart!

13. Women of the New Testament we can emulate.

14. People who have a servant's heart.  I try to be one.

15. I can choose to serve.  I don't have to teach my 4th grade girls on Wednesday nights, I GET to.

16. The book of Psalms.  David knew how to pour our his heart to the Lord.

17. The Bible isn't a book of fairy tales and make believe, the stories are Truth and give life.

18. If you let it, the Bible can change your life.  I want it to change me.

19. Matt received a huge compliment from his former boss.  She didn't realize how much work he really did.

20. My husband is a dedicated and hard worker.  He never complains about his workload.

21. My Sanuk flip flops are crazy comfy.  Best $$ I ever spend on a pair of flip flops...even if they aren't really fashion forward...

22. I am looking forward to fall, but I will miss my flip flops!

23. Spelling.  I am so glad I am a good speller.  Misspelled words and misused grammar drive me crazy!

24. God cares about us and what we are going through.

25. He will never leave us or forsake us, even in our darkest hours.

26. Jesus is my best friend.

27. He sticks closer than a brother.

28. God gave me my talent and He expects me to be a good steward of it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 23

I'll be short today since I took up a lot of your time yesterday! 

My 28 thanks:

1. My house was full of kids yesterday.

2. They all played well together, there were no fights, injuries or mishaps.

3. We bought a new kind of (fake) chicken at Sam's for Zachary to try.  (he is very picky about his fake chicken) He tried it and liked it!  It might have been because Alexander and Ana liked it too...but I will take what I can get.

4. All my fall decor is out of the closet.  I haven't decorated with it yet, but the first step is done.

5. I found owls in my fall decor that I forgot I had!  It was a fun surprise!

6. Even though I still haven't watched two SYTYCD episodes, I watched the final dances last night and for the first time all season, I got to vote!

7. Madelyn was excited to go to dance last night!  She loves Miss Tiffany's tap and jazz class!

8. Matt got home a little early from work.  It made the evening seem longer.

9. I got Madelyn's flower girl dress ordered!  I was almost too late, but it will get here in plenty of time and it wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be.

10.  My new mattress gets more comfortable every single night.

11. Penny print deals at Snapfish. 

12. Courage, I'm gaining some.

13. People who motivate me.

14. Love.  I have friends and family who love me.

15. Madelyn was so excited to watch my wedding video.  I had to leave the room because, let's face it, it is hard to watch yourself on video, but she loved it.  I am glad she is interested in our love story.

16. Madelyn is already talking about going to college.  She is driven.

17. Zachary believes he can do anything.  I pray I never quench that spirit in him. 

18. He is not daunted by the high standards expected of him by the end of kindergarten. 

19. A friend from my old CW days reminded me how fun it is to be zany.  Sometimes that word describes me quite well. 

20. Although I am working towards my goal of dental hygiene school, I am thankful for my time spent in the field of social work...hopefully I planted some good seeds and helped some people.  It also taught me what I DON'T want to do for the rest of my life... :)

21. God can use every detour we take for His glory.

22. God uses every experience we have to mold us into who He created us to be.

23. Even though I walked away from my dream 13 years ago, it is being restored!

24. Restoration...of my dreams, my security...everything.  God is good.

25. My mom's old recipes.  My family likes most of them and I can feel a small connection to her.

26. Loose fitting clothes...especially clothes that weren't loose only a few weeks ago. :)

27. I have gotten to be a stay at home mom for the past 5 years.  I have gotten to see and take pictures of every school assembly, awards presentation and party.  All that will change when I get into dental hygiene school so I know how important it is to cherish every single one of those moments.

28. My steps are ordered by the Lord.  He has great things in store for me!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 22

Over the long Labor Day weekend I went for a visit to the booming metropolis of Dill City, Oklahoma to visit my aunt and grandpa.  We relaxed, talked and looked at fabric catalogs (Hey...there's so much pretty fabric out there).  We agreed that she needed to make me at least 18 quilts because I absolutely could not make up my mind as to which fabric I liked best.  I always enjoy my time out there.  She always has Christian radio going in the house and we sing along with every song.  One of her favorites is "Remind me who I am" by Jason Gray.  I've always liked the song, but it wasn't until she had me watch the video that it hit me, This should be my theme song! 

If you haven't watched it yet, take a break, go to my last post, watch it and then, come back here. 

Pretty powerful video huh? 

Now, read the lyrics:

 Verse 1:
When I lose My way,
And I forget my name,
Remind me who I am.
In the mirror all I see,
Is who I don't wanna be,
Remind me who I am.
In the loneliest places,
When I can't remember what grace is.

Tell me once again who I am to you.
Who I am to you.
Tell me lest I forget who I am to you.
That I belong to you.

Verse 2:
When my heart is like a stone,
And I'm running far from home,
Remind me who I am.
When I can't receive your love,
Afraid I'll never be enough,
Remind me who I am.
If I'm your beloved,
Can you help me believe it.

Tell me once again who I am to you.
Who I am to you, Whoa.
Tell me lest I forget who I am to you.
That I belong to you.

I'm the one you love,
I'm the one you love,
That will be enough,
I'm the one you love.

 Tell me once again who I am to you.
Who I am to you.
Tell me lest I forget who I am to you.
That I belong to you, whoa
To you.

You see, I am learning day by day that how I think about myself isn't what matters.  What God thinks about me is what matters.  More than anything.  I need to renew my mind to think of myself the way God thinks about me. 

I am HIS beloved.  I am not worthless, I am not unworthy, I am not rejected; I am a beloved child of God.

My 28 thanks:

1. I am a beloved child of God

2. When I forget who I am, the Lord can remind me that I am His beloved.

3. I was able to go out to Dill to visit with my family and celebrate my Aunt Louan's birthday.

4. My Aunt is an encourager.  I always feel better after going out there.

5. long holiday weekends

6. I got to visit with my Great Aunt Mary Lou.

7. Her daughter Rosalind was there.  We had a nice visit; I haven't seen her in several years.

8. My family is so talented.  They are entering all kinds of quilts, hand made clothing and flower arrangements in the county fair. 

9. Who knows, they are probably entering all kinds of desserts in the fair also, now that is something I can do...cook, I must have inherited that from them. 

10. The kids stayed the night with their Grammy and Poppy Sunday night.

11. Matt and I were able to accomplish all kinds of things while it was just us.

12. We joked about being old... (Hey, it's labor day, let's go to Sam's...that will be fun.)  Haha!

13. We had a lunch date at Schlotzky's.  It was wonderful.

14. I am catching up on my Bible reading.  Somehow I got really behind...(*gulp, almost 2 months), but Matt was kind enough to remind me that I am doing better than him...He is 9 month behind!  I feel better now!

15. I didn't cook all weekend.  Although I enjoy cooking, I also enjoy taking a break.  All weekend I was either blessed by others buying or cooking my dinner. 

16. My husband cleaned the whole kitchen. 

17. We went through our Christmas stash and were excited to discover we are halfway done with both the kids' Christmas gifts. 

18. Some of my sister's table centerpiece items were delivered!

19. Yesterday was the 2 month mark.  Only 60 more days till the wedding!

20. The scale moved this morning!  I was happy to see a different number at the end of my weight!

21. The scale doesn't define me, but some days it can make me really happy!

22. When things don't work out sometimes you are blessed enough to be able to look back after 6 years and discover why.  The house we almost bought 6 years ago was amazing; it had lots of room and a loft we were planning to use as a playroom.  We loved it, but had to back out of the contract after the inspector discovered issues with the A/C.  On May 20th that house was demolished, nothing is left.  We are so thankful we were protected from that.

23. I love fall!  I am ready to decorate my house in fall colors...and owls...and candy corn. 

24. Music is a very effective form of ministry.  It speaks to some people in a way that preaching can't.  I love listening to music that is full of God's truth.

25. Crossroads Kids Ministry.  My kids love going to church.

26. Mrs. Debbie.  Madelyn loves being on Kid Crew with her.  Madelyn doesn't always believe in herself (wonder who taught her that?...oops...) but Mrs. Debbie believes in her and encourages her. 

27. Change.  It isn't always fun, but it is necessary.  I am always excited when a change is complete and I get to take in a whole new experience.

28. God is working on me and I am changing for the better!

Jason Gray - Remind Me Who I Am

Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 21

The journey continues.  No one benefits from my chronic insecurity.  Day in and day out I am focused on making decisions based on what I know to be true about myself and not how I may feel.  I may only be on day 2 of making these conscious decisions, but already I stepped out of my comfort zone and gave it my all...and with confidence.

My 28 thanks:

1. I found what I think will be an amazing florist to do my sister's wedding flowers.

2. I got my teeth cleaned today, they are now squeaky clean.

3. My hygienist told me my teeth are gorgeous.  :)

4. Getting your teeth cleaned is more fun when you have spent two weeks getting to know the hygienists and assistants in the office. 

5. The dental office didn't have mint polish (which I request because the fake fruit flavored stuff is nasty!) so they used vanilla.  It was surprisingly refreshing, not at all terrible and it didn't gag me.  Yay!

6. Both my MIL and FIL had birthdays this week!  I have been blessed with the best in-laws ever!  It is such a blessing to be a part of their family.

7. My Stars girls are so full of life.  They are precious and I love teaching them!

8. Kind words of encouragement from friends.

9. Compliments!  I am hard on myself and I expect others to be hard on me too.  Compliments are good for the soul. 

10. My friend and teaching assistant, Amy, helps me so much.  She makes class more fun.  I can say random stuff in class and I can count on her to laugh. 

11. Leftovers made dinner easy and no one complained.

12. My three year olds are going to keep me busy this year, they have big personalities!

13. My 1st and 2nd grade ballet class went very smoothly. 

14. Zachary enjoyed his first soccer practice even though he left his water bottle at the dance studio.

15. My aunt celebrated her birthday on the 29th!  She is far from home and her kids as she lives with my grandpa to help take care of him and I know it is hard on her at times.  I am so blessed that she has been in my life in a greater capacity for a couple of years.

16. Moore is getting a Dairy Queen for the first time since the old one closed in 1998!  Too bad they won't still have their Dennis the Menace cups they used to use.  :)

17. Zachary enjoys watching old episodes of Goof Troop.  He laughs and laughs.  I love the sound of his laugh.

18. The Hillsong United CD Zion.  I have listened to it non stop since buying it two weeks ago. 

19. I love to listen to worship while I am working really does keep me moving.

20. 5 day weekends!

21. The kids want nothing more than to spend the night with Grammy and Poppy.  I love that the love their grandparents.

22. I got in on the big soap sale at Bath and Body Works.  I love their fall scented soaps.

23. Zachary got to play at the play place at Sooner Mall.  He is almost to big. :(

24. Matt gets to spend part of his long weekend with friends. 

25. I laughed so hard at Duck Dynasty I almost cried.

26. Matt has a good job.

27. He supports me 100% as I pursue dental hygiene school.

28. It's only 2 months (and a couple of days) till my sister's wedding! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sharing my heart--Day 20

I am in recovery from years and years of damage resulting from a life filled with self doubt and insecurity.  There seems to be no end to the lies that fill my heart and mind all day long.  Starting when I wake up and not ending until I fall asleep, the thoughts attack.  For years I have listened to the lies, I have learned to ignore them at times, but what I need to learn is how to shut them down.  When the lies come, I have to be ready with the Word of God.  When the voice whispers, "You'll never be as pretty as _____."  I have to shut the voice down with Psalm 139:14: "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."  When the voice tells me, "You aren't worth her friendship" or "Your husband could do so much better, why does he stay with you." I HAVE to shut the voice down.  Those thoughts are toxic and I have been suffering with the results of toxic thoughts for far too long.  How many friendships have I failed to pursue because I was convinced I wasn't good enough to associate with someone?  How many relationships have I rendered useless because of my debilitating insecurity.  How many times have I told God that his most prized possession was worthless, trash, junk...not good for anything?  Who am I to tell the creator of the universe that something he made was a mistake?  How the Lord has put up with me for the past 32 years is only a testament to His unending, never-failing love.

My 28 thanks:

1. God's love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me.

2. I have been told by several people they can tell I have lost weight.

3. Zachary did great at the dentist!  No cavities!

4. Madelyn has enjoyed her first week of dance classes.

5. Orange Leaf is a fun occasional treat.

6. Matt flew to San Antonio on a business trip.  He made it there and home again safely.

7. He and his coworker unknowingly avoided the interstate where a horrific wreck had occurred.  They could have been stuck in traffic for hours and would have missed their meeting, but didn't.

8. Zachary asked if he could brush his teeth "just for fun".

9. My kids have wonderful teachers this year!

10. Zachary asked to go to the library.

11. The library was super quiet, so I was able to read and focus.

12. I have the mind of Christ, therefore, I can recognize when the thoughts creeping around in my head are Godly or lies from the devil.

13. I have found favor throughout my pre-dental school journey.

14. I may be just a "normal" person, but my words can still be used to bless others.

15. I am an overcomer.

16. I can and will overcome my battle with insecurity--one thought at a time.

17. The Lord is my refuge and strength; a very present help in times of trouble.

18.  I was taught from a young age to hide God's Word in my heart.

19. Madelyn is ROCKING 3rd grade Stars.

20. Madelyn is driven and always does her best.

21. Zachary has been asking for a Bible.

22. He wants to learn to read so he can read his Bible.

23. I have an amazing new mattress!

24. No more back pain!

25. Now that school has started, I have a little time to fit in dental observations and workouts at the Y.

26. Because of the new mattress and the workouts, I have been sleeping much better.

27. I get to apply to dental hygiene school in January!  It is so close!

28. You are both judged and influenced by the company you keep.  I want to keep good company.  I want to be good company.

Monday, August 26, 2013

I interrupt this lack of blogging...

Ya'll, I'll be back to blogging soon.  I have to say this:  The devil is a liar.  He is the father of lies, every time he speaks he spews lies.  I have been discouraged.  Please don't confuse that with depressed, I have actually been well, thanking the Lord for my blessings every day.  I have much to be thankful for.  I could even blog about it...I could...but then the thoughts swim through my mind: "No one reads what you write anyway.",  "No one cares what you are thankful for.",  "Really, they are all reading the pastors' blogs...what can you have to say that anyone will want to read, that will speak to them?"  I know they are lies, I know, I know, I know.  I suffer from this little thing called insecurity.  I have let the devil belittle me.  I have let him convince me I should belittle myself.  Insecurity is an ugly ugly thing and I am determined to overcome.  I prayed a prayer the other night.  I read part of it to my husband and had to fight the tears as I spoke some of the words.  It is a powerful prayer, a prayer that Beth Moore made part of her book, So Long Insecurity, by the insight given her by the Spirit of God.  The actual prayer is like 5 pages long, so I will share with you the most crucial points, the ones I prayed most earnestly, the thoughts and attitudes from which I need the most healing and freedom.

    "I desperately need and want to be delivered from my chronic insecurity.  I am ready to discover what it means to be truly secure."

    "You have not shortchanged me.  I have shortchanged myself and allowed my culture to sell me short."

    "As You reveal yourself to me, I ask You to also mercifully reveal myself to me.  Grant me insight into patterns I have developed, and give me answers that bring healing."

                                                 *sigh*  Here comes the doozie...

    "Forgive me for my miserable self-absorption.  Forgive me for the jealousy and covetousness that feed my insecurity.  Forgive me for being so fixated on what I don't have that I leave the gifts You've given me undeveloped and much less effective than You intended them to be.  Forgive me for thinking so pitifully little of the person You've made me.  Forgive me for committing the flagrant sin of despising myself and considering myself inferior to others.  Forgive me equally for every time I've sighed with relief at the thought that I might be superior after all.  Forgive me for my unbelief.  If I realized how valuable I am, my insatiable need for affirmation would be quieted.  Forgive me for being such a perfectionist that I resist doing something good out of fear that it won't be great."(OUCH!!)   Forgive me for the inordinate self-protection that has only managed to imprison me."

    "Lord, I ask You to single out everything You entrusted to me as part of my physical and psychological makeup: personal limitations, my appearance, and my God-given disposition.  You knew what You were doing when You formed me in my mother's womb.  Nothing is without purpose.  Nothing has thrown off the plan.  Every gift, challenge and obstacle is meant to shape the specific destiny You ordained for me before time began.  Your intent is to make a wonder out of me and show what You can do through me.  You mean to increase the praise that comes to You because of my life.  You want to defy the odds in order to make Yourself conspicuous in me. Please deliver me from a life of self-pity and a life of excuses and rationalizations.  Help me stop using a person as my mirror and start seeing myself as You alone see me.  Make me the kind of woman a little girl could follow to dignity and security."

Parts of that still bring me to tears.  I need to get that in my spirit.

Tomorrow I will post my 28 thanks.  Tonight I need you to know my heart.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 19

Sunday, Sunday.  When it comes to Sunday, you never know what you are going to get.  Is it going to be easy to get the kids out of bed, dressed and bellies filled?  Is it going to be torture?  You never know.  Today was the former rather than the latter and for that, I am thankful.

My 28 thanks:

1. Rain!!

2. The smell of rain

3. The sound of rain.  ( I love rain... )

4. Braum's (The milk, the ice cream, the hamburgers...what's not to love?)

5. Getting ready this morning for church went smoothly.

6. Nobody was grumpy this morning...not even me!

7. My church outfit was cute. (See, sometimes I can have style...)  :)

8. We made it to church early.

9. Matt is the Sunday breakfast I can get ready. It's awesome.

10. Nothing can EVER separate me from God's love.  ( That's BIG!)

11. When I repent, God forgives! (HUGE)

12. He doesn't just forgive...He FORGETS!! (Can I get an AMEN??)

13. The Lord knows me completely and yet he still loves me.  (Wow)

14. Psalm 139. It's life giving. 

15. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

16. All God's works are wonderful.  Just look around...then look in the mirror.

17. My friend Heather can sing.  I love hearing her voice during worship, it blesses me.  :)

18. I have a large kitchen.

19. It is great for having people over.

20. My cousin Shannon and her son Seth came over for dinner.

21. They are fun company, Seth is a hoot.

22. Shannon did all my dishes. 

23. I got so many compliments on dinner. 

24. Gladys took care of my notary needs.  I love my adoptive Mama!

25. Shannon bought me a blended mocha.  It was wonderful.

26. I surprised Matt by bringing it home to him.

27. I got to talk to my friend Leslie while waiting for my coffee.  It's been a long time. 

28. The Lord's mercies are new every morning. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 18

I love lazy Saturdays when I have nothing pressing to do.  Today was amazing!

My 28 thanks:

1. friends I can talk to freely and for hours

2. pedicures with friends

3. I got to go to lunch, chat, shop AND get a pedicure with Kendra today!

4. garage sales

5. thrift stores

6. Northmoor teachers (I always seem to find their garage sales and then they give us free books, today it was Mrs. Thedford.  She is sweet.)

7. online banking

8. colorful nail polish

9. baby names

10. Taco Bueno (need I say more??)

11. surprises

12. planning an anniversary trip!  :)

13. A husband who gladly takes on "kid duty"

14. afternoon naps

15. clean sheets

16. left overs for dinner (EASY)

17. relaxing Saturday evenings (this hasn't always been the case...)

18. days when there are no pressing plans...only fun on the calendar

19. When Zachary says, "Hey, Mommy.  I love you." 

20. Matt came home from Rowdy's party happy because he got some of Gladys' lemonade.  :)

21. The kids had a blast at Rowdy's party also.

22. kid's books

23. Instagram is fun.

24. I got to sleep in this morning.

25. ice water

26. Matt takes care of bath time because I don't enjoy it.

27. I didn't have to cook dinner tonight.

28. Beth Moore's book  So Long Insecurity is just what I needed.  It's like she is talking right to me and I can already tell I am making great strides toward a more secure self. 

Day 17

My 28 thanks:

1. family

2. baseball games

3. fireworks

4. my kids' smiles

5. foul balls

6. cheap Sonic dates

7. generous people

8. cousins

9. sleepovers at grandma's

10. free parking at Bass Pro Shop

11. sunshine

12. sunglasses

13. tank tops

14. ponytails

15. comfy athletic shorts

16. nights without kids (occasionally)

17. TV time with Matt

18. air conditioning

19. ceiling fans

20. My kids are super cute!

21. My kids behave in public.

22. laughter

23. My husband is really smart.

24. My in-laws made it home safe from Albuquerque.

25. bright colored Sharpies

26. common sense

27. green lights when I am in a hurry

28. homemade dinner with my family

Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 16

Last night, I got a message from a friend.  She told me she reads my blog and had been checking in for new posts.  I guess it's no secret that it has been a couple (or few?) weeks since I have written a post or thanked the Lord for anything publicly.  It's not that life hasn't been good because it has.  Mostly it is a time management issue.  So, here I am again.  It's a lot like starting over when so many days have been lost...but I won't quit until all 365 days have been blogged, no matter how long it takes me. 

My 28 thanks:

1. compromise

2. friends

3. slip-n-slides

4. steak dinners

5. the library

6. The last Sookie book was available at the library!  Score!!

7. Beth Moore books

8. old school Disney movies

9. good clean fun

10. listening to His still small voice

11. evenings with my family

12. giving gifts

13. shopping for gifts

14. encouraging messages from friends

15. snow cones

16. girl talk

17. makeup

18. French braids

19. vacation planning

20. vacation countdowns (one week ya'll!!)

21. pay day

22. being a faithful steward

23. our health

24. The Lord rebukes the devourer.

25. My insecurities are not too big or messy for the Lord.

26. I was made to be me.

27. I am perfectly equipped to be who God made me to be.

28. With God's help, I am on my way to overcoming the insecurities that tend to run my life.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 15

Kind words are like honey -- sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.  Proverbs 16:24

My 28 thanks:

1. Kind words from friends.

2. The Word of God and the peace and wisdom it brings.

3. The book of Proverbs.  Solomon's wisdom is still useful today if we would only listen.

4. Pandora, specifically the Hillsong United station.

5. Pools

6. Friends (and adoptive Mamas) who invite you over to swim in their pools.

7. Fruit!  Pineapples, watermelons, strawberries...summer fruits are the best!

8. Friends who encourage me. (P.S. Thanks for all the encouragement after my post yesterday!)

9. My kids didn't say, "I'm bored" at all today.

10. Even though she wasn't happy about it, Madelyn picked up her room.

11. I beat level 117 on Candy Crush today!  Finally!!

12. Zachary cheered for me when I beat the level.  He was jumping up and down in excitement...he may have been more excited than I was!

13. Summer days

14. A break from school

15. Air conditioning!  It is really starting to get hot out there.

16. My kids love swimming and being in water.

17. I forgot to wear sunscreen today, but I didn't get too toasted.

18. My kids get along with everyone they meet.

19. They don't pick fights with others.

20. They follow the rules, no matter where we are.

21. They have the best laughs in the entire world!

22. I made "white spaghetti" for dinner tonight.  It's tri-colored cheese tortellini on a bed of angel hair pasta with alfredo sauce.  Everyone loves it and no one complains.

23. The girls in my small group were attentive during the lesson tonight and easily answered all the review questions.  They are a great group of girls.

24. They all enjoyed the game of jumping rope with an Oreo stuck to their foreheads.

25. I am really good at sticking Oreos to people's foreheads.  We couldn't jump rope enough to get them to fall off!

26. All the girls I talked to were excited about going to camp next week.

27. I saw both Madelyn and Zachary raising their hands in worship tonight.  It brought a smile to my face and joy to my heart.

28. I told Madelyn that during the summer only, if she isn't tired, at night, she could read in her bed by flashlight.  She was so excited, she finished her whole library book in her bed before falling asleep.  I love my little reader!  

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 14

This always happens to me.  I hit a wall.  I lose my inspiration.  So, it has happened and I have not an excuse in the world.  Here I am on day 14 when I should be on day 17.  I'll be honest.  I lost my focus.  I made it about me and how I feel instead of the Lord and how great He is despite how I feel.  It is good I am doing this because my default setting is to pity myself.  Why doesn't he/she like me?  Why wasn't I invited?  What did I ever do to make him/her unfriend me?  When you are dwelling on yourself, there is NO way you can dwell in the Lord.  There is no way you can dwell on the Lord's goodness when all that consumes your mind is the worthlessness of yourself.  My dad has a saying, "Facebook is of the devil."  I think he takes that stance too far, but you know...he has a point.  I compare myself to everyone else.  Their weight, their tan, their clean house, their thousands of friendships, their weddings, their vacations...everything. I can't compare to all that.  Then I see parties, weddings, get togethers, lunch outings, baby showers, wedding showers...that I haven't been invited to.  My world falls apart in an instant.  I recognize I need help.  I am resting on Psalm 121.  The Word is better than any worldly therapy.

Psalm 121

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.

My 28 thanks:

1. The Lord is patient with me.

2. The Lord has plans for my life and they are good.

3. The Lord will watch over me in all my ways.

4. No matter who turns away, the Lord is always there.

5. The Lord does not slumber, so He is never caught off guard.

6. In my weakness, the Lord is strong.

7. The Lord has blessed me with meaningful friendships.

8. I saw my friend Amber in the Target parking lot today.  I have missed her and it was good to see her smiling face.

9. I saw my friend Valarie at Target today.  We had a nice long conversation and I might have even made her late for her kids' swimming lessons.

10. Valarie always encourages me.  Every conversation we have, I walk away believing I can do whatever I set my mind to.

11. Matt's allergy nose spray was way expensive, but he felt so much better after taking it, so it was totally worth it.

12. We spend longer than I anticipated at the library.

13. My kids love the library!

14. I found the last book of the series I have read this past week at the library!

15. They didn't have Beth Moore's So Long Insecurity, it was checked out.  Now I have something to look for next time I am there.

16. I found a DVD of The Muppet Show at the library!  I am excited to watch it.  

17. How cool is it that the library has movies that you can "rent" for free!?

18. Matt is so great to me.  He listens to my pity parties with concern and then lets me cry.  He also helps me move on.  I need him in my life.

19. I drank a lot of water today.

20. Water is not always my first choice, but I always feel better when I drink it instead of anything else.

21. Matt got tickets to tonight's RedHawk's game through his job. (FREE!!)

22. The game was a lot of fun!

23. The kids had a great time at the game too!

24. I got to meet Quincy, Matt's new coworker.  I hear a lot of stories, so I am glad I have a face now to go with the stories.

25. The little boy in front of us got a foul ball.  The excitement on his face was adorable!  (Madelyn was upset that she didn't get it, but it would have just ended up on her floor and this kid was ecstatic!  I'm glad he got it!)

26. The weather for the game was really nice.  Not too hot and just the right amount of breeze.

27. The RedHawk's lost the first game, but they won the second game!

28. I got to talk to my friend Angela on the phone today.  Talking (in my opinion) is better than texting or messaging on facebook.  It is more personal.  I love talking to friends on the phone.  

Bonus:  I've been really struggling with this blog.  I have had a block at about number 11 every. single. day.  Not today.  Today, I could have come up with several more. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 13

Today was the Prickett family reunion in Dill City, OK.  Probably most of you have no clue where that is.  It is a tiny town in Western Oklahoma.  Just Southwest of Clinton.  There isn't much left of it.  Even the school system merged with Burns Flat schools years ago.  But it is where my mom's family grew up and where they call home.  If you are ever driving down Hwy 152 and see a big red barn on the side of the road, that is the Prickett family homestead.  That is where the old farm house used to be where 10 children were born and raised working the land.  My great-uncle, Jimmie, lives in that red barn.  It is actually a house...he doesn't live in a barn!  :)  My great-uncle, Frank lived in the house next door with his wife, Daisy and a collection of clocks including several cuckoo clocks.  My Prickett family is amazing.  They continue to leave behind a Godly heritage and I am so proud to be a part of it!

My 28 thanks:

1. My mom's family has a strong Godly family legacy.

2. The Prickett family reunion today was refreshing.

3. The kids had a great time too.  As the only kids there, they were a huge hit with all the family!

4. In my life, I was able to meet all but 2 of the 10 Prickett "children".  My Nana was the 9th born.  Two of her brothers passed away before I was born, but the other 8 I knew and loved dearly.

5. My Papa is an amazing man.  He is kind, dependable, hard-working, determined and strong.  I love him very much.

6. My aunt Louan has lived in El Paso, Tx for most of my life and unfortunately, I didn't get to see her often growing up, but now she lives with my Papa, helping him out.  I get to see her so much more now and I am so blessed to have her as a part of my life!

7. My cousin Cricket was at the reunion today with her husband, David, and her son, Madison.  She is a joy to be around.  She makes me smile and she is so loving and generous.

8. My cousin, Kay is a dear woman.  She has always been so kind to me and it was great to see her and catch up today.

9. My great-uncle, Jimmie, is a hoot!  he is outgoing and loves to talk.  He never misses any opportunity to tell others about Jesus or encourage them in the faith.

10. My great-aunt Anna is such a loving person.  The love within her shows all the time.  She watched her husband, Jimmie, as he encouraged us to continue on the Godly heritage of the Prickett family.  Her pride and love for him was evident.  She is a special woman. 

11. My great-aunt Mary Lou is a precious woman.  She is always joyful and she always has a smile on  her face.  Her bright blue eyes and her expressions remind me of my Nana. 

12. My mom grew up as an Army brat, so when she settled in Oklahoma she made sure we were at every reunion, get together, wedding, funeral and holiday dinner that was held.  She loved to be with her family and she instilled that importance and love of family in me.  For that I am very thankful!

13. My cousin Ray is a fun guy.  He and my mom share a birthday, just one year apart!  We had a nice long conversation at the reunion.  I enjoyed talking to him because I know my mom loved him a lot.

14. My cousin Jane is such a sweet lady.  She moved to Cordell to take care of her parents, but has stayed around after they both passed because she feels home with her extended family.  She is a good friend to my Aunt Louan.  They both miss Texas so much, but know that they are where they are meant to be for now. 

15. My cousin Lynn is an interesting man.  I always enjoy talking to him.  His wife Marjorie is such a sweet woman. 

16. Even though Lynn's wife, Patsy, passed away 19 years ago I have a couple of memories of her.  She was a kind woman.  I still have the piggy bank she hand made for me when I was born.  I treasure it.

17. My cousin John and his wife were at the reunion.  He looks just like a Prickett, a whole lot like his namesake, my great grandfather, John Simpson Prickett.  I never met John much, his parents, Elmer and Naomi, lived on the East coast and I was never able to go there for a visit, although my parents did once and the pictures were beautiful!  I am so glad I have gotten to meet John a few times as I have gotten older.

18. My cousin Christa, John's sister was also there.  My interactions with her have been limited by distance, but I am glad to have met her on a few occasions now.

19. My great-aunt Helen still comes to reunions.  She married Joe in 1981 when they were both in their 50s and missionaries.  She has the sweetest, most loving and giving spirit I have ever met.  She was a missionary to Kenya and later she and Joe spent years in Trinidad and Tobego.  Her life has made an impact in the eternal realms.  I am blessed to call her family.

20. I love hearing stories of the past about my family.  It keeps the ones who have gone on alive in my heart.

21. God placed me into an amazing family.  I am truly blessed to be a part of this Godly heritage.

22. I got to laugh out loud when they told a story about throwing corn cobs at each other for fun.  Apparently, you have to make your own fun when you grow up on a farm. 

23. I was just saying the other day that my house is getting too small for us.  I am so blessed that I didn't raise 10 children in a two room farm house!

24. My "too little" house has electricity, unlike that farm house my Nana grew up in.

25. I have, and grew up with indoor plumbing.  Can I get an Amen?!?

26. Growing up in a two room farm house with 9 siblings builds character and relationships with others.  We need more of that today.

27. After the reunion, we visited the family members who have already passed away at Page cemetary.  It was windy, but peaceful.

28. I know my Prickett family members will greet me in Heaven one day.  I will see them again!

Bonus thanks:  I got to visit in person with Kendra for a few minutes as I delivered her pillow.  Even just those few minutes made my day!  She is truly my best friend.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 12

I started my day in the Word.  I don't do this as often as I should.  I like to sleep, so by the time I get up and moving the kids have woken up and my day has already begun.  I try to squeeze it in during the course of the day which obviously doesn't work, since I am behind...again.  Just when I think I am back on track and get even the tiniest bit comfortable, something happens.  Whether it be a natural disaster, vacation or just the consequences of my own decisions, I get off course.  It's something I definitely need to work on.

My 28 thanks:

1. The Lord loves it when I spend time with Him.  I love it too.

2. Even when I get behind, He still loves me and welcomes me back with open arms when I get back on track.

3.  I have realized that getting behind isn't failure; quitting is failure.  In the past I would have given up, but this year, I am going to finish strong.

4. I got some really great athletic shorts from Wal-Mart.  They are super comfortable.

5. I decided they will be the perfect shorts for Silver Dollar I get to go back and buy some more!

6. I cooked breakfast for everyone this morning and then cleaned the kitchen.  It feels good to be productive.  Lucy would be proud.

7. Dad and Lucy bought Madelyn new colorful ponytail holders.  She loves them and so do I because now she won't use and lose mine.

8. Zachary skied again today.  He even stood up this time!

9. Sarah got out her phone and video taped him skiing.

10. Sarah and I get along best when we are tubing I think... :)

11. Apparently we bond during perilous situations.

12. We push each others buttons, most sisters do, but we love each other and I am blessed to have her in my life.     

13. I got new shampoo and conditioner today.  It smells really good.

14. Sarah and I had ourselves a little therapy session tonight.

15. My friend Angela Rodriguez.  She is a good friend.  She calls me out of the blue and she always listens to me without judgement.  I need her in my life. 

16. My friend Kendra.  We are like soul mates.  When we get together, it is like no time has passed.  We understand each other perfectly and we get angry when someone hurts the other.  We are fiercely loyal to one another.

17. My friend Rachael.  We don't get to see each other often, but when we do, we have a great time laughing with each other.  Also, she made me soap.  She is a cool friend.

18. My friend Angela Lewis.  She always answers the phone when I call.  That is a big deal to me because it makes me feel important.  She makes me laugh and she has a great, contagious laugh.  She is a good friend to me.

19. My friend Nicole.  She is younger than me and growing up we knew each other, but the age difference was so much that we hung in different circles.  She is a loyal friend, always offering to watch my kids even though she has 3 of her own.  She is kind.  She and her husband, Dan are so generous.  Matt and I are blessed to have Dan and Nicole in our lives.

20. I had myself a pity party tonight I am so glad my sister was here to attend it...and talk me through it.  To be honest, it has been extremely hard to come up with even 20 reasons to bless the Lord tonight. 

21. I am reading about David in 2 Samuel.  Although he was anointed king, he still had troubles.  He should have been happy, right?  But people he loved stabbed him in the back, despised him, and rejected him...even his own son!  When this happens to me I need to remember I am in good company.

22. Jesus was betrayed by one of his best friends.  He probably wasn't invited to weddings he wanted to attend also.  I am in good company.

23. My Sanuk sandals are the perfect shoes for wearing at the lake.

24. We made it home safe and sound from the lake.

25. The kids and I got in late, but still got to spend time with Matt.

26. I get to sleep in my own bed tonight.

27. Zack and Rachael were at my house when I got home.

28. Rachael is sweet to Madelyn.  She watched the entire recital DVD with Madelyn and enjoyed it.

Day 11

I totally wrote this entire blog, saved the update and then found out none of it saved!  Good grief!  Good thing I had it all "blogged" in my pink glitter notebook.  Here it goes again...

Today was a great day, I woke up at the lake house!  We slept in, ate a late breakfast and headed out for the lake late in the afternoon.  It was a fun day!

My 28 thanks:

1. I started catching up on my One a Day Bible again last night.  I didn't mean to get behind, but I will get caught up soon.

2. I have been reading about the life of King David.  Last night I read about David and Bathsheba.  I am so amazed with the love and forgiveness of our God!  His love covers a multitude of sins.

3. There were very few boats on the water today.

4. We were able to find smooth water for skiing.

5. Zachary was so brave and tried to ski today.

6. The first try, he followed my instruction to NOT let go of the rope.  Unfortunately, he left his skis behind and was drug underwater behind the boat. Don't worry, my dad is a pro at pulling young skiers and he was perfectly fine...and begging to go again.

7. The second try, he was on top of the water in a squatting position for a full 4 seconds!  I was a proud mama!

8. After skiing, Zachary was all smiles.  He was so proud of himself!

9. I was able to ski a really great run today.  I love skiing and wish I got to do it more often.

10. Madelyn gave skiing another good try today.  She will get it soon.

11. We had some great tube rides today!

12. While riding the tube, Zachary and I hit some big waves..  He looked at me with a huge smile on his face and shouted, "That's what I call fun!"

13. My kids are a lot of fun!

14. I am sore after dancing with the troupe girls last night.  I love it!

15. I made the girls do crunches last night and today my abs are sore.  I love when my abs are sore because even though I am not skinnier, it makes me feel that way.  :)

16. Being sore didn't hold me back from skiing or tubing today!

17. Sarah and I had a crazy fun ride on the tube that ended when she wiped out.  We had a good laugh about her fall.

18. Hot showers after a long day in the lake.

19. None of us got sunburned today.

20. I got to talk to Matt tonight.  I am sad that he isn't here, but he is having a good time as a bachelor while we are gone.

21. My MIL gave me her favorite lotion that they don't sell anymore.  It is Moroccan Argan Oil by Organix.  It smells so good!

22. Not only does the lotion smell good, it is keeping my skin from peeling.

23. We are all sitting together watching the Hobbit as I write this.  I love watching movies with my family.

24.  Today I had to drive the boat up on the trailer for the first time in over a year.  I didn't do a terrible job.

25. It was so overcast today that at times we were cold out in the boat.

26. I knew I would get behind on my blog while out at the lake house where there is little to no internet access.  I took a pen and notebook with me and "blogged" the old fashioned way.

27. I finished the sequel to the book I devoured last week.  I can't wait to get home and start on the third book.

28. I got to sit on the screened in patio tonight.  The weather was great!  There was a cool breeze, it was quiet for just a little bit until the kids found me...and there were no bugs!

Day 10

A year ago today, we were up early and on an airplane to Los Angeles, Ca.  We were so blessed to be able to take our kids to Disneyland!  I can't believe it has been a year already and at the same time, it feels like forever since we were there. 

My 28 thanks:

1. The financial means to go to Disneyland.

2. Memories from Disneyland.

3. Walt Disney.  What a visionary man!

4. The kids still talk about our Disney vacation.

5. I got to run a ton of errands today without kids.

6. Target had the exact size shorts I needed to exchange for.

7. The Target I went to is very close to the meat market.  Two birds/one stone.

8. I was right on budget at the grocery store.

9. Day 2 of my summer dance classes went great!

10. The Jr. Troupe girls told me several times they enjoyed the dance I taught them.

11. I spent two full days with no cell phone.  It was totally relaxing.

12. I was able to make it to the lake house at a decent time even though I left home later than I expected.

13. The kids got to stay up until I got the the lake house.

14. Both of the kids were excited to see me.  They both hugged and kissed me when I came in the door.

15. My kids weren't sunburned after 4 days at the lake.  Dad, Lucy and Sarah took great care of them while I was gone.

16. Pinterest.  I have found many great new recipes on that website.

17. Some pins I have found are recipes from the Pioneer Woman.

18. The Pioneer Woman is awesome.  She has never failed me!

19. I tried one of her recipes out on Matt tonight and it was a hit.

20. Memory foam pillows.

21. Memory foam mattress toppers.

22. Lucy bought memory foam mattress toppers for the two queen beds at the lakehouse!

23. I listened to Heart all the way to the lake house tonight.  It was awesome!

24. I don't mean to brag...but, well, yeah, I kind of do... I can still pull through a center split.  :)

25. I can also still do a mean grand jete.

26. A dancer complimented me on my new Ariel tank top tonight.

27. Matt's last birthday present, NBA 2K12 for PS3, came in the mail today. 

28. The delivery was great timing. Now he has something fun to keep him entertained while the rest of us are at the lake for the week.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 9

I didn't purposefully schedule my two days of summer dance classes for the week my family was going to the lake house.  I hate that it happened that way because I would love to be at the lake house right now chillin' with everyone, but I have a job to do...and it's a fun job.  On the bright side, my kids get a break from me for two days and really get to feel like they are on vacation.  When I get back to the lake house tonight, at least one of them will hug me and yell, "Mama!" and it will be awesome.  Awesome that they missed me, but more awesome that they know how to have fun, behave and be obedient without me being around.

My 28 thanks

1. My dad, Lucy and Sarah love my kids.

2. Although it is possible that they weren't ecstatic about the idea of keeping my kids at the lake house without me or Matt for two whole days they did it and mostly didn't complain. 

3. It's not easy to take care of two young children at the lake house when you are fixing boat trailer tires and skiing and tubing and putting sunscreen on them and making sure they are sitting down while the boat is moving..see, it's a lot of work.  My family is awesome!

4. My kids are having a great time at the lake house without me and Matt!  

5. I got to sleep in this morning.  Till 9!  It was amazing!

6. I was on call today for disaster relief, but smarty pants here left her phone charger at the lake house.  It's impossible to make phone calls from a phone with a dead battery.  Thankfully I only received one phone call and Danielle was gracious enough to make the call back for me.

7. I don't really know Danielle.  I know who she is and I could pick her out of a police lineup if need be, but she has no clue who I am.  She seems to be extremely sweet and I hope we get to know each other personally very soon.

8. Traffic on I-35 seems to have finally started moving again.  There were way too many people backing up I-35 taking pictures of tornado damage.

9. It is clear to me that many people have dedicated hours of their lives getting the damage and debris cleaned up.  In just one month so much has already been accomplished.

10. Matt and I had another good laugh over something crazy he said.  "Things that aren't as funny as they used to be are funnier now."  We've been laughing about that one for days now.

11. Miss Connie LOVES getting me out of my comfort zone to teach the troupe girls.  I am glad she does!  Her confidence in my abilities has allowed me to have confidence in myself and to identify my talents.

12. Everyone needs someone in their life who instills confidence.  I am thankful I have Miss Connie and the other teachers to speak that into my life.

13. I was able to go into the dance studio for a couple of hours this afternoon.  My goal was to find music for my first hour which was just progressions and to run through the dance I had choreographed.  However, I found some music and choreographed a whole second dance to teach to the Jr. Troupe girls.  I surprised myself!

14.  Last year I freaked out about teaching choreography to the troupe girls, but this year I was prepared.  I had a full 2 minute dance choreographed for them and it took almost the whole hour to teach it.  I was proud of the work I put in and the results it produced.

15. The troupe girls are fun to teach.

16. In a pinch, Kidz Bop music can work really well for progressions. 

17. I'm getting all kinds of e-mails from Pastor Kara regarding Camp WOW.  It is almost here and I am so excited!

18. The storm that came through overnight did no damage to any of my property or possessions.

19. The Lord has been so faithful in keeping us safe and sound this storm season.

20. My sunburn from Saturday and Sunday has already turned into a tan.

21. The Santa Fe gets better gas mileage than I thought it would.  I went 320 miles on a tank.  Actually, my low fuel light wasn't on I could have squeezed a few more out of it.

22. Matt loves his new job.

23. He will have been there a month on the 20th and he has had no work related stress!

24. Matt came home from work no later than 6:00 this whole month!

25. He would have never wanted to leave his last job, but the relocation news made it necessary.  I can tell he is much happier without the stress staying at work until 9:00 to finish financial close.

26. 79 cent big gulps at 7-11.  Hey, if I want to be unhealthy, at least I can do it for cheap.

27. Dancing is good exercise.  I am sore today after doing my own choreography with the Sr. Toupe girls.

28. If I drink a big gulp and dance in the same's kind of like I didn't have the big gulp. Right?  I say yes. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 8

We all woke up sore this morning.  I guess that is the price you pay for taking a beating while tubing.  It's worth it.  Today is Father's day.  I have a fantastic father in my life.  A man of character and integrity.  I love him so much.  Matt is such a great daddy to his kids!  Happy Father's Day!

My 28 thanks:

1. My dad is awesome!

2. My dad is a man of character.

3. My dad is a man of integrity. He is true to his word.

4. My dad works hard all the time.  He is always working on something.

5. My dad raised 2 teenage girls on his own.  I believe he needs a standing ovation for that one!

6. My dad has been through a lot in this life, but you won't hear him complain about it.

7. My dad is an awesome grandfather.  He became an instant grandpa when he married Lucy and he loves ALL his grandchildren the same. 

8. My dad puts the needs of others before his own.  Always.

9. My dad fixes things for me.  He doesn't know it yet, but this week he will be helping me replace my windshield wipers.

10. My dad knows about computers and is always upgrading my stuff.  I don't know how to do any of that, so I love it!

11. My dad taught me how to love the Lord.

12. My dad loves the Lord with his whole heart.

13. My dad supports me all the time...usually after giving me a hard time about what I have decided to do...he's ornery like that.

14. Because of my dad's godly example of what a husband is, I was able to identify a man with all the right qualities to become my husband.  I thank God for that.

15. Matt is a godly man that I and my children can look up to.

16. Matt is a kind and patient daddy to our children.

17. Matt sacrifices things he wants for our needs.  Ya'll we just this year upgraded to a flat panel TV because we were previously too busy getting out of debt and taking care of real, tangible needs. 

18. Matt is good with money.

19. Matt likes math, so I don't have to do it very often.

20. Matt can play piano and I love it when he plays.

21. Matt is a great son.  He is always talking to his mom and helping her buy stuff on ebay!  He loves his family.

22. Matt is trustworthy.  He says what he does and he does what he says.

23. He gets that from his dad.  Weyman is a man of his word.  He is a great father in law.

24. Weyman is a fantastic grandfather.  My kids love him.

25. Weyman gets in the floor with his grandkids.  He builds elaborate train tracks and plays Banjo Kazooie for hours on end just to make Zachary happy.

26. Weyman is the hardest working man I have ever met in my entire life.  He works outside all day and then comes home and works at home.

27. God gave me great men in my life.

28. In a world that has minimized the role of fathers in the lives of their children, I am so blessed to have three men in my family who love the Lord and are invested in the lives of their children and grand-children.