Sunday, January 11, 2015

Thankful: Day 10

Let me start by saying, I have followed blogs similar to this before. It starts getting repetitive in the first month because we are creatures of habit and we tend to do the same things over and over again. My first attempt at a thankfulness blog failed miserably. Not only did it fail, but one of the reasons it failed is because I couldn't just be thankful for ordinary things because ordinary things are boring. No, the things I was determined to include in my rundown of thankfulness had to be huge, they had to be exciting. I am trying to stick to simplicity here; to find something in every day life...which may at times be huge and at other times mundane. So stick with me when I get repetitive. Something exciting may be right around the corner.

Yesterday, we finally celebrated Christmas with Matt's grandparents. We left their house and headed to my in-law's house to deliver their gifts and stayed much longer than we expected. They are the single most generous, kind, and loving people I have ever met in my entire life. They love big time. I am SO VERY thankful for them and all they do in our lives. Last night the kids wanted to stay the night, but never would ask anyone but me. I continually told them they needed to ask their Grammy and Poppy, but they continually did not. So as we loaded the car, Mady is sobbing and Zac is hanging his head low. On a last minute burst of confidence, Zac approached Grammy and asked very sweetly if he and Mady could spend the night. Of course, her answer was yes...and so the night was saved, by the best in-laws ever.

I know I have been thankful for my in-laws before and just bear with me because I will most definitely be thankful for them again.