Two things:
1) I had impressions lab today. It took my partner two tries to get a perfect mandibular impression on me and three tries on the maxillary. I only gagged twice...and there was no vomit to be seen. I was so proud of myself! I kept my composure and didn't cry, but I did drool a whole lot. Haha!
2) My sister saved the day! My kids were safely retrieved from school at the appropriate time by my sister who cleaned out at least part of her car to make room for a third body. She also managed to get Mady to dance class, hack her way into my garage and pick Mady up from dance class all while cooking twin fetuses (more figuratively than literally ya'll). She rocks!
P.S. My husband just informed me that Doogie Howser M.D. was the first blogger and he thinks I should play the theme song to the show when I blog. He's funny, that's why I keep him around.
A Golden Birthday
5 years ago
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