Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Thankful: Day 6

Everyone thinks their kids are the best, cutest, brightest...but mine really are.

We're pretty strict parents around here. We have fun; they have everything they need and most of what they want. You have to draw the line somewhere and that line is different for every family. For our family, it is with electronics. We have a Wii, PS2, PS3, Original Nintendo, Super NES, N64 and more currently a throwback SEGA genesis and Intellivision. So, we like our video games around here. Matt has an iPhone through his job and I have a Galaxy S4. I also have a Mac laptop for school, but believe me, if not for school...that would never have happened. I say all this to let you know, we aren't all hung up on modern technological gadgets. Our home doesn't hold a single tablet or iPod. If one of my kids wants a tablet, he/she has to save his/her own money and purchase it. Look, our Christmas budget for each kid could buy them a Kindle Fire and they would get nothing else. It's pretty simple because they don't want only one gift. They aren't allowed to have phones until they can drive; my oldest is 10 years old, WHO IS SHE GOING TO CALL?!? I guess I just don't get it, probably because we are a part of the few who still have a land line...but I like it this way. If my kids want to have a conversation with someone, they know how to do it...FACE TO FACE. They know how to respect their teachers, family members, and other children. They aren't perfect, but they're still pretty darn great.

The real story here is Mady. She's a great listener. Well, she is a great selective listener...but apparently she was listening every time her father taught her what we feel is a very important lesson in life.

My conversation with Mady after school today went something like this:
(Names have been changed to protect the innocent...haha)

Me: So, how was school today?
Mady: Well, everyone was bragging about what they got for Christmas.
Me: Ok, so what did everyone get?
Mady: (lists off several kids and what they said they got, then...) Marly said she got a phone, but I know she didn't. (lists reason why she "knows" Marly did not get a phone) Why do kids lie about what they got for Christmas? Who cares?
Me: Well, some kids want you to think they got better stuff for Christmas than they really did so they just make stuff up. But the real reason is; Well, what does your daddy always tell you?
Mady: "Kids are stupid"

Lesson learned!

Ok, so we aren't that harsh.  We say it like a joke because kids always do stupid stuff (most adults do too...so there is that...) Kids are funny, watch them. They make up stories about guys trying to break into their house on Christmas morning and then defending their home by shooting them in the eye with their brand new bow and arrow they just opened for Christmas.  Something tells me that didn't really happen.  Haha!

Today I am thankful for amazing kids who are funny, talented, smart, kind, and good.