Monday, January 26, 2015

Thankful: Day 26

You'll be reading this next sentence a lot for the next 3 1/2 months.

I have an exam tomorrow, so I will make today short.

My daughter's sweet friend is sick with the flu. Her Mama takes my kiddos to school every morning, so you can see where we were kind of in a bind; especially with my sister having "I'm 30 weeks pregnant with twins" issues and my step mom with a highly contagious stomach virus.

I turned to my backup for help and like always, she came through!

Not only is she picking them up, but offered to let me drop them off in the morning so she can take them to school also!  She's a lifesaver!

I don't have a lot of close friends. I'm kind of a loner, I like my space and I don't like to intrude on others or push myself in on a person for friendship, but I am so very, very thankful for the friends I do have. The friends like Rochelle that I have known for 30 years and can be such a blessing. It takes a village ya'll and I am so thankful for mine.