Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thankful: Day 15

Okay, this is silly.

I love Coca-Cola. I know it's bad for me. I know it can remove rust from metal. I know these things and it's not that I don't care, but I just like it.

At the end of last year and the beginning of this year, I didn't have a coke or soda of any kind for 15 days. It wasn't a fast and it wasn't a diet, it was just something I felt like I needed to do to break the cravings for a coke every day. I feel like it worked. I had a coke while watching the national championship game monday night and I didn't even feel guilty about it. I also didn't really care if I had another one any time soon. So, mission accomplished.

Tuesday night I went grocery shopping and I saw a cart full of 20oz bottles of Coca-Cola Life for only 50 cents a piece. I had seen a billboard for it on my way to school some time ago and had decided I wanted to try it eventually. It is sweetened with pure cane sugar and stevia. No high fructose corn syrup, no sucralose, no aspartame. I know it isn't water and it isn't good for me and it is still empty calories, but I just had to buy some to try it. I can't really tell a difference between it and real coke, but I can't be trusted to give an adequate review since I can't even tell when the wrong drink is placed in front of me at a restaurant...

Technically, I don't think I said that I was thankful for anything...I guess I am thankful that I found the drink I wanted to try, I liked it and it was only 50 cents!