Monday, January 5, 2015

Thankful: Day 5

I survived the first day of spring semester today, which means I am 1/4th and one day done with dental hygiene school!

I won't lie, today was rough. We stayed up until midnight watching Downton (season 2, we're trying to catch up!) and then had to get up at least 2 hours earlier than any other day in the past 2 weeks. Also, it's cold out there ya'll. I ate a good breakfast and packed a healthy(ish) lunch. By the time the last class was over, I was falling asleep and really hungry, but I survived!

I'm gonna share two things I am thankful for today...because it's Monday and why not?

1. Besides finishing my first day of spring semester, I am also thankful for coffee. It's possible I couldn't have survived today without it.

2. I haven't had a coke (diet or otherwise) in a week and a day. It's not that I have forbidden them from my diet, because goodness knows, that would cause me to crave them more than ever. I decided that I didn't want to pump my body full of high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners all day long. Surprisingly it hasn't been hard at all. They hardest part was when I had a huge energy slump in the middle of class today and could have really used a caffeine boost.