Thursday, January 1, 2015

Welcome 2015

This is the year all 80's kids have been waiting for since we watched Back to the Future and 2015 seemed to be so very far away. Here we are. I have to admit, I am disappointed. I was really excited about hover boards and flying cars and movie billboards that are so 3D you really think you are being eaten by a great white shark. Oh well.

2014 was good to me. I got into Dental Hygiene school on the first try. I have to admit, I wasn't sure I could do it. I find myself surrounded by these wonderful ladies day after day and it is really special. I rocked my first semester of DH school with 6 A's and 3 B's. It's not perfect, but with my responsibilities as wife, mom, cook, chauffeur, and dance teacher...I'll live with imperfection.

I resolve to be thankful for something, at least one little thing every single day of my life for the entire year. I might miss a day or two, but I will make up for it. No more 10,000 reasons in one year for me. It was amazing for my friends who did it, who were up for the task, however, for was daunting. The more I tried to come up with 27 things to be thankful for in one day the harder it was. I'm not saying that I didn't have overwhelmingly more than 27 things to be thankful for each day, it is just that identifying them and then putting them into delightful little sentences was just too much for me.

But enough excuses.

This year, yes, this year, I will strive to let go of the chaos for 5 minutes each day to type a single sentence (two if you're lucky) to say something I am thankful for. Some blessing the Lord has seen fit to bestow upon me. Big or small. Exciting or boring. And so a year begins.

January 1st 2015: Today I am thankful for a new beginning. A new year, a new chance to be better. I am also thankful that my husband decided he will watch Downton Abbey with me...and even more thankful that he actually likes it.