Friday, October 2, 2009


You may have noticed (or maybe you haven't) that I haven't shared any stories about Zac. Well, that's mostly because he is 19 months old and, unlike his sister before him, is not extremely talkative...yet. The extent of his vocabulary so far is: no, Dora, Diego, gone-gone, etc... He would rather climb onto and jump off of EVERYTHING! Like most children his age, when things get quiet...there is trouble brewing somewhere, well, that, or he is asleep. So today when I had heard him playing in Mady's room I knew all was well. Until things got quiet...I went to check on him, and here is what I found...

He was CRASHED out on Mady's Tinkerbell bed...

He looked so comfy and peaceful...I hated to move him, but I was terribly afraid that if I didn't, he would roll right off the bed...

Look at that sweet face! I'm sure someday soon, I will have plenty of comical sayings of his to add to this blog as well...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Take that,Grammy

We love it when Grammy and PaPa come to our house to play! They were here last Sunday, we had a fantastic lunch and then headed home. Mady had stayed with her other Grandma the night before and was extremely tired, so Grammy went to Mady's room to "help" her fall asleep. As they were lying on the bed Mady says to her Grammy, "Maybe I could fall asleep if you didn't smell like Old Grandma."

This story was shared per Grammy's request!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm gonna puke

We pray for our children every night. Prayers for good health, a good night's sleep, sweet dreams, etc... It has been my husband putting Mady to bed for the past couple of nights, so he has had the honor of saying the night time prayers. His method includes placing his hand on her back as he prays. One night after saying the prayers, Mady looks up and says, "If you keep pushing on my back like that, I'm gonna puke!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

4 going on 14

Let me just say, patience is a virtue, but not one I possess much of. I stay home with my children and by dinner time, I've usually had it.

One particular day, Mady and I had been going 'round and 'round. She had asked me for something, most likely a drink, several times, and I was not moving quickly enough for her. She is quite like me, and was getting very impatient. Finally I looked at her and, in the calmest voice I could muster, stated, "I heard you, and I said 'Hang On'. What do you not understand about 'Hang On'?"

Mady: "Um...on."

Friday, September 25, 2009

A Tad Too Personal

While we were watching TV one afternoon, a commercial came on featuring a man with no shirt on. Now, I have mentioned that Mady is obsessed with makeup...she is also obsessed with nakedness...

While giggling she says to me, "Mommy, did you see that naked guy?" (and continues to giggle uncontrollably)

"Yes, he didn't have a shirt on did he?" I say (more giggling)

"Mommy, do you like naked people?"

"No, not really."

"Do you like Daddy naked?"

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bossy much?

Mady, to Zac: "Can you turn your voice off a little? That means turn it down a little."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Grammy or a vampire?

My daughter, Mady, is obsessed with make-up. Anything and everything to do with it. She loves make-up, and if she can't wear it, she will make sure mommy (or Grammy) DOES.

Mady started Pre-K this year and for three whole weeks Mommy, Zac, and on occasion, another child under 2, walked her all the way to class. Quite tiring for Mommy who has to get 3 children out of carseats and then put 2 of them back into carseats. Anyhow, for at least a week I had tried to convince Mady to walk to class "like a big girl" and nothing was working. One day before I had put make up on, Mady looks at me and in a very concerned voice says, "It's okay if you don't walk me into school today, so you don't have to go in looking not pretty."

Wish I had known it would be that easy...

As I said, she is quite obsessed with make-up.
While staying with Grammy and PaPa one weekend, she took one look at her Grammy, who happened to have no make up on and said,
"Grammy, do you have any makeup on today?"
Grammy: "No"
Mady: "You look like a vampire."

Grammy promptly put makeup on.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Toilet Water

My husband is giving Mady a bath when she asks him, "Where does this water come from." He proceeds to tell her that all the water we use goes down the drain and to a water treatment facility so we can use it again.
Her reply : "So I'm taking a bath in toilet water?"

I enter the bathroom having no idea the aforementioned conversation has occurred. Seeing something black fluttering in the water, (knowing it is probably mold from inside a squirt toy...disgusting) I ask Mady, "What is that in the water right there by your foot?"

Mady: "I don't know...I'm pretty sure it's part of Zac's dead fish."

Monday, September 21, 2009

My first blog...

So, I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while, a long while actually. I decided to stop thinking about it and just do it. For starters, I am not one with wildly original ideas, I am acutally quite ordinary...however...I do have EXTRAordinary kids and I decided to share them with you.
The story I have decided to share with you is about my daughter, Mady.
We had been to San Antonio to visit family in May of 2007, she was 2 1/2. We took her to Sea World and she had a BLAST! They had a small theatre there showing a 3-D movie about pirates. It was complete with sound effects and rumbling seats etc...and of course, the children in the audience were screaming and laughing. This scared Mady greatly and we had to leave the theatre with a young girl forever fearful of pirates! Six months later, we were back in San Antonio to visit family for Thanksgiving. We were on our way to eat when we stopped at a red light next to a homeless man who was looking rather rough. Mady takes one look out the window and says...
"Hey, look at that pirate!"