Saturday, April 24, 2010

A lesson in courtesy

A man in a truck stopped to let us cross the road in the JC Penney parking lot.

Mady: "That guy was nice. He must learn lessons at church."

An American Cyclops

I was explaining to my husband that there is a facebook page called (something along the lines of) I wonder if children in China hold their eyes open and say, "I'm American".

Cue Mady

(Holding eyes as wide open as possible and saying in a loud gruff voice) "I'm an American, I'm an American! Hey Mama, (One hand over her right eye and the other holding her left eye open) I'm a one-eyed American!"

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thumb Magnet

Mady still sucks her thumb.
Yes, it is annoying and I have tried so much to get her to stop.
I caught her sucking her thumb today. I wiggled my thumb at her and said, "Thumb".
She was heartbroken...she cried and said in a very irritated voice, "I can't help it! It's like a magnet; it just sticks there!"

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hold On...

Mady was sitting at the kitchen table finishing her dinner while her daddy and I were cleaning up. She let a pretty large poot for a girl her age and while her daddy and I were laughing she said:

"That's gonna stink, hold on to your whiskers!"