Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 19

Sunday, Sunday.  When it comes to Sunday, you never know what you are going to get.  Is it going to be easy to get the kids out of bed, dressed and bellies filled?  Is it going to be torture?  You never know.  Today was the former rather than the latter and for that, I am thankful.

My 28 thanks:

1. Rain!!

2. The smell of rain

3. The sound of rain.  ( I love rain... )

4. Braum's (The milk, the ice cream, the hamburgers...what's not to love?)

5. Getting ready this morning for church went smoothly.

6. Nobody was grumpy this morning...not even me!

7. My church outfit was cute. (See, sometimes I can have style...)  :)

8. We made it to church early.

9. Matt is the Sunday breakfast I can get ready. It's awesome.

10. Nothing can EVER separate me from God's love.  ( That's BIG!)

11. When I repent, God forgives! (HUGE)

12. He doesn't just forgive...He FORGETS!! (Can I get an AMEN??)

13. The Lord knows me completely and yet he still loves me.  (Wow)

14. Psalm 139. It's life giving. 

15. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

16. All God's works are wonderful.  Just look around...then look in the mirror.

17. My friend Heather can sing.  I love hearing her voice during worship, it blesses me.  :)

18. I have a large kitchen.

19. It is great for having people over.

20. My cousin Shannon and her son Seth came over for dinner.

21. They are fun company, Seth is a hoot.

22. Shannon did all my dishes. 

23. I got so many compliments on dinner. 

24. Gladys took care of my notary needs.  I love my adoptive Mama!

25. Shannon bought me a blended mocha.  It was wonderful.

26. I surprised Matt by bringing it home to him.

27. I got to talk to my friend Leslie while waiting for my coffee.  It's been a long time. 

28. The Lord's mercies are new every morning. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 18

I love lazy Saturdays when I have nothing pressing to do.  Today was amazing!

My 28 thanks:

1. friends I can talk to freely and for hours

2. pedicures with friends

3. I got to go to lunch, chat, shop AND get a pedicure with Kendra today!

4. garage sales

5. thrift stores

6. Northmoor teachers (I always seem to find their garage sales and then they give us free books, today it was Mrs. Thedford.  She is sweet.)

7. online banking

8. colorful nail polish

9. baby names

10. Taco Bueno (need I say more??)

11. surprises

12. planning an anniversary trip!  :)

13. A husband who gladly takes on "kid duty"

14. afternoon naps

15. clean sheets

16. left overs for dinner (EASY)

17. relaxing Saturday evenings (this hasn't always been the case...)

18. days when there are no pressing plans...only fun on the calendar

19. When Zachary says, "Hey, Mommy.  I love you." 

20. Matt came home from Rowdy's party happy because he got some of Gladys' lemonade.  :)

21. The kids had a blast at Rowdy's party also.

22. kid's books

23. Instagram is fun.

24. I got to sleep in this morning.

25. ice water

26. Matt takes care of bath time because I don't enjoy it.

27. I didn't have to cook dinner tonight.

28. Beth Moore's book  So Long Insecurity is just what I needed.  It's like she is talking right to me and I can already tell I am making great strides toward a more secure self. 

Day 17

My 28 thanks:

1. family

2. baseball games

3. fireworks

4. my kids' smiles

5. foul balls

6. cheap Sonic dates

7. generous people

8. cousins

9. sleepovers at grandma's

10. free parking at Bass Pro Shop

11. sunshine

12. sunglasses

13. tank tops

14. ponytails

15. comfy athletic shorts

16. nights without kids (occasionally)

17. TV time with Matt

18. air conditioning

19. ceiling fans

20. My kids are super cute!

21. My kids behave in public.

22. laughter

23. My husband is really smart.

24. My in-laws made it home safe from Albuquerque.

25. bright colored Sharpies

26. common sense

27. green lights when I am in a hurry

28. homemade dinner with my family

Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 16

Last night, I got a message from a friend.  She told me she reads my blog and had been checking in for new posts.  I guess it's no secret that it has been a couple (or few?) weeks since I have written a post or thanked the Lord for anything publicly.  It's not that life hasn't been good because it has.  Mostly it is a time management issue.  So, here I am again.  It's a lot like starting over when so many days have been lost...but I won't quit until all 365 days have been blogged, no matter how long it takes me. 

My 28 thanks:

1. compromise

2. friends

3. slip-n-slides

4. steak dinners

5. the library

6. The last Sookie book was available at the library!  Score!!

7. Beth Moore books

8. old school Disney movies

9. good clean fun

10. listening to His still small voice

11. evenings with my family

12. giving gifts

13. shopping for gifts

14. encouraging messages from friends

15. snow cones

16. girl talk

17. makeup

18. French braids

19. vacation planning

20. vacation countdowns (one week ya'll!!)

21. pay day

22. being a faithful steward

23. our health

24. The Lord rebukes the devourer.

25. My insecurities are not too big or messy for the Lord.

26. I was made to be me.

27. I am perfectly equipped to be who God made me to be.

28. With God's help, I am on my way to overcoming the insecurities that tend to run my life.