Friday, April 3, 2015

Thankful: Day 94

Can I be thankful for the same thing every Friday?

If I could, I would once again be thankful that I don't have class on Friday's for the rest of the semester!

I woke up this morning with a goal. It was to finish my literature review for research class.

Did I mention it is due this coming Thursday?!

I also knew I needed to get Mady tights for her competition tomorrow and Zac an Easter outfit.

I got all that done...except for the paper that is.

I also looked up homes on openhouseok...

Not that it matters, but I found a couple of great homes I now really want to buy.

Although the paper didn't get done, I did make a ton of headway and I only have two more paragraphs to get done which will hopefully be easy peasy...